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Understanding ACID Properties in Database Management

The Essence of ACID Properties in Database Management

Yeran Kods
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2023


In the realm of database management, the acronym ACID stands as a pillar of reliability, ensuring the integrity and consistency of data.

ACID properties form the foundation of transactions, which are the essential building blocks of any database system. Whether you’re running an e-commerce website, managing financial records, or handling user data, ACID properties play a critical role in maintaining data accuracy and robustness.

The diagram below explains what ACID means in the context of a database transaction.

Image by ByteByteGo

Defining ACID Properties

  • ACID is an acronym that stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
  • These four properties collectively guarantee that database transactions are executed reliably and successfully, even in the face of system failures or unexpected interruptions.


Transactions are treated as atomic units, meaning they are indivisible and irreducible. A transaction is either completed in its entirety or not at all. If a transaction encounters an error midway, all changes made within that transaction are rolled back, ensuring that the database remains in a consistent state.


This property ensures that a transaction brings the database from one consistent state to another. In other words, the database follows a set of predefined rules and constraints, ensuring that data integrity is maintained even during the execution of complex operations.


Transactions are isolated from each other, preventing interference and conflicts between concurrent transactions. This property ensures that the actions of one transaction are invisible to other transactions until they are successfully committed.


Once a transaction is successfully committed, its effects are permanent. Even in the face of system crashes or power failures, the changes made by committed transactions are retained, and the database is able to recover to a consistent state upon restarting.

Importance of ACID Properties

  • ACID properties are essential for maintaining data integrity and ensuring that a database remains reliable and trustworthy.
  • They provide a safety net for database operations, safeguarding against data corruption, inconsistencies, and lost transactions. Whether it’s a financial system recording transactions or a social media platform handling user interactions, ACID properties ensure that critical data remains accurate and reliable.

Application of ACID Properties

ACID properties are prevalent in various sectors where data accuracy and reliability are paramount:

  1. Financial Transactions: In banking and financial systems, ACID properties ensure that money transfers, account updates, and other transactions are executed accurately and without any discrepancies.
  2. E-Commerce: Online shopping platforms rely on ACID properties to handle orders, inventory management, and payment processing, ensuring that customers receive the correct products and that inventory levels are accurately updated.
  3. Healthcare Records: Patient data, medical histories, and treatment records are managed using ACID properties to guarantee the accuracy of medical information and to prevent errors that could have serious consequences.

Examples of ACID Properties

  • Atomicity: Consider a fund transfer between two bank accounts. If the debiting of one account succeeds but the crediting of the other account fails due to a technical glitch, the entire transaction is rolled back to maintain the atomicity of the operation.
  • Consistency: In an e-commerce platform, when a user places an order, the inventory of the purchased items is decremented to reflect the items’ availability accurately.
  • Isolation: In a reservation system for flight tickets, two users attempting to book the same seat simultaneously are isolated from each other. Only one user’s reservation is accepted, preventing double bookings.
  • Durability: After a user confirms an edit to a document in a word processing application, the changes are permanently stored in the document file, even if the application crashes before the document is closed.

In conclusion, ACID properties serve as the bedrock of reliable database management, guaranteeing the consistency, integrity, and durability of critical data. These properties find application in diverse sectors where data accuracy is essential, ensuring that transactions are executed accurately and that data remains consistent even in the face of unforeseen events.

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Yeran Kods
Nerd For Tech

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