Understanding Bitcoin’s Algorithm and Breaking SHA256

Are you ready to figure out the algorithm of bitcoin?

Nerd For Tech
5 min readMay 22, 2021


In this article, we will very simply understand the SHA256 algorithm and then evaluate its relationship with bitcoin. So let’s rock and roll!

Look guys, the encrypted data shown with a purple arrow in the graph below is called a hash. When we say ‘hash’ we will understand the encrypted output of a data. What the red arrow points to is the main data, which is the encrypted content. So that means input.

The word aegeanocturne is encrypted according to the sha256 algorithm.jpg

Hash is used in the digital media both to encrypt data and to distinguish whether the data has been fiddled with.

If we bright the subject a little more:
The mathematical operation that converts the input into an encrypted output of the same fixed length is called a hash. According to the algorithm used, the number of characters in the output can be numbers such as 32, 64, 10. Since we are talking about the SHA256 algorithm, which is the algorithm used by bitcoin in this article, the outputs will be 256 bits, ie 64 characters long.
Whether the input is a word, a letter, or a volumes of encyclopedia, the SHA256 algorithm hash is always a fixed character length. (64 characters)

Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment novel, which consists of 687 pages, encrypted by the SHA256 algorithm
And, my January bank statement which is only 2 pages

So what is the purpose of converting data to hash?
1) Encrypt that data
2) To prove the originality of that data. That is, to verify if it has been fiddled with. This makes transactions such as identity verification, document verification, recipient, owner verification easy and reliable. With the SHA-256 hash code, it is very easy to verify whether the document, wallet, official document, diploma has been tampered with.

Pay atteniton that even a single letter change, the algorithm is completely regenerated. This makes it almost impossible to predict the algorithm. That is, it is impossible to establish a connection between changes in input and output, to make statistical inferences or to establish a linear relationship between input and output !!

This SHA 256 algorithm, which we have explained so far, is the hash algorithm used in the bitcoin network. On the following this link, you can view instant bitcoin transactions in hash format with sha-256 encryption.

SHA 256 password cracking

Reaching the original data from the encrypted SHA256 output (hash) is only possible if each combination is tried and failed one by one. Considering that there are 10 numbers and 29 letters, it will be quite difficult to find out how many different ways the 39 numbers and letters can be arranged in a 64-character password. You should try ²²⁵⁶ combinations so that you can find the password. The number of such attempts is even more than the number of all grains of sand on the world’s beaches!

However, there are some crack sites that help crack SHA256 hashcodes. Each of these sites / companies has huge databases in their hands. Actually, the process is based on the principle of taking the encrypted hash code you send, matching it in databases and finding its equivalent. However, your chances of success with these sites are not as high as you think. Because in these databases, only records of previously determined, exposed or resolved passwords are kept.

For Instance:


When you take one of above hashes and copy it to the crack site named MD5Hashing below and decode it with the decode button, it will crack the sha256 algorithm in seconds.

The reason we can easily crack the sha256 hash code in such seconds is that the encrypted data is very easy. As you can see in the picture, I gave you the hash code of 123456789 and trump passwords. Since such easy data came to someone else’s mind before, decoded and saved to the database double-sided, naturally, when we enter the same content, the system instantly matches its response and presents it to us.

As it is known, each bitcoin transaction generates its own unique hash code. In other words, the transaction order you send to the bitcoin network can be viewed by anyone in the world as a hash (encrypted). However, this hash is unique and cannot have been entered into a database previously. Naturally, the databases of crack sites cannot solve the btc hashes which has been created for the first time.

As of 2021 technology, the chance of solving a hash with SHA256 algorithm, that is, converting it to the main input, is very very low possibility. Because a lot of mathematical (combination) processing, CPU-GPU power and electrical energy are required to solve a hash. A well-designed password can take thousands of years to crack with current computers.

We are at such a time in history that if you have enough data and the power to process this data, you can hack, control and rob people.

The output of SHA256 is shorter in character count and more effective than SHA512 in terms of bandwidth. The SHA-256 algorithm is not yet easily cracked. Moreover SHA256 algorithm, such as SHA-512 algorithms compared to other secure top model is calculated more quickly is currently one of the most widely used algorithms. However, IT experts talk about allegations and developments that SHA-256 may be vulnerable very soon. Future developments in internet, CPU and GPU speed may require the need to move slowly towards SHA-512. Maybe in the a few decades or even more close future, a quantum computer is developed can break a hash code in a short time by trying all the combinations in the world. Of course, the realization of this would mean that every data and password stored so far will be endangered. Then, in such a situation, all existing financial, military, bureaucratic infrastructure and their data will have to be re-encrypted with quantum cryptography.

aegeanocturne Turco Economist.

I’m afraid hackers are attacking all over the world, stealing and storing sha-256 hashes. In the processor technology of the future, these hashes can be very useful 👍

algorithm bitcoin mathematic encrypth sharing economy



Nerd For Tech

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