Useful Shell Scripts

Beck Moulton
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readMar 17, 2023


#1 According to the PID input by the user, filter out all the information of the PID

#! /bin/bash

read -p "Please enter the PID to be queried: " P

n=`ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'${P}'$/{print $0}'|wc -l`

if [ $n -eq 0 ];then
echo "This PID does not exist!!"
echo -e "\e[32m--------------------------------\e[0m"
echo "Process PID: ${P}"
echo "Process Commands:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{for (i=11;i<=NF;i++) printf("%s ",$i)}')"
echo "The user to which the process belongs: $(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $1}')"
echo "CPU Occupancy:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $3}')%"
echo "Memory Occupancy:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $4}')%"
echo "The time when the process started running:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $9}')"
echo "Process run time:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $10}')"
echo "Process Status:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $8}')"
echo "Process Virtual Memory:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $5}')"
echo "Process Shared Memory:$(ps -aux| awk '$2~/^'$P'$/{print $6}')"
echo -e "\e[32m--------------------------------\e[0m"

#2 Display all information about the process according to the process name

Fuzzy filter out the corresponding PID according to the name of the input program, and display the detailed information. If there are…



Beck Moulton
Nerd For Tech

Focus on the back-end field, do actual combat technology sharing Buy me a Coffee if You Appreciate My Hard Work