What’s Between Fibonacci and Golden Ratio?

Natan Katz
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2021


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Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence are well known “entities”. Whether you are a mathematician or an artist or just a curious person you probably met them somewhere. In this post I will present a well known property that ties them together.

What is Fibonacci Sequence?

I guess every one knows what is Fibonacci sequence, but since I wish to hope that even creatures from Mars reading my posts so I will give a brief description:

Fibonacci sequence is a sequence that is determined by two real numbers a,b

Where a is the first element than b and then it follows the formula :

If a and b are both 1 we get the following sequence:


Which is in this post the Basic Fibonacci Sequence

Golden Ratio

Golden ratio (g.r.) is the following number


Among its other names we can find the “divine proportion” and “golden cut” The Greeks studied it discussing the golden rectangle (with a and a+b sides) .Some artist found it astatically fascinating due to the proportions that it offers, It was studied in architecture as well.

It’s All about a Quadratic Equation

The golden ratio is the solution of the innocent quadratic equation:


You may suspect that this equation has another solution… and you are right

It is


This polynomial and his roots will be key players in the following sections we will denote it as the quadratic eq,

The Quotient Sequence

We move our focus to the quotient sequence. Consider a Fibonacci sequence. If an is Fibonacci’s nth element, We define the following sequence


We are interested in the sequence


Claim: If the sequence of r’s has a limit it is a solution of the quadratic eq.


Where the third equality is since we assume it is a limit . We can change sides to obtain the quadratic eq.

We have proved that if the quotient sequence has a limit it is a solution of the quadratic eq , now we need to show that this sequence converges

Claim: if an element in the quotient sequence is positive then the entire sequence that follows is positive

Proof: It can be seen that if X is positive than its successor quotient

is positive too. Hence the quotient sequences are either consists of only positive numbers (besides a few numbers in the beginning) or only negative numbers

Positive Quotients Sequence

In this section we consider only positive quotient sequences. Hence the only relevant solution of the quadratic eq is the g.r. Let ri be an element in this sequence


So we observe that if one element is bigger than the g.r. then its follower is smaller and vice versa. (g.l means g.r.)

We can use the same methods to prove the same property for the decreasing sequence. It can be easily seen that the limit of those sequences is a solution of the quadratic eq. Since these sequence are positive it leaves us wilt the g.l.

As we wished.

Negative Ratios

In this section we discuss cases where all the ri are negative. We wish to answer on two questions :

  • Do we have negative quotient sequences?
  • What are the required conditions for such sequences?
  • What about their “convergence manners”?

Now we will construct a Fibonacci sequence that its quotients are always negative.

We define

These are the first elements in the Fibonacci sequences . We can observe that:

  • The magnitude of a must be bigger than the magnitude of b (otherwise the quotient (a+b)/b is positive)
  • Clearly a*b <0

Lets construct the sequences


Now let’s see the nature of quotient sequence


Since every element has a different sign than its neighbors we have w.l.o.g

Let’s write equations that satisfy these inequalities for the indices 2,4,. 2k

Namely b/a is an upper bound for the a subsequence of quotients in the Basic Fibonacci Sequence. In the same way we can show it is a lower bound for the odd indices

The corollary is that in order to construct a negative quotient sequence of a Fibonacci sequence the two early elements must satisfy the ratio


Which is itself a solution of


In all other cases Fibonacci sequence has positive quotients ,thus converges to the g.r.



Natan Katz
Nerd For Tech

Interested in Math & Physics of ML non-linearity and stochasticity Co founder of LuminAi Security, “Tiefe Gedanken sind ewig, daher der größte Spaß”