What is inside of Angular JSON file

Yurii K
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2021

Every angular project has an “angular.json” file. We all understand that this file is very important. This file contains the settings of the Angular project. Do you really know what information this file contains? Let’s look at this file closely.

projectType: the type of the project. The value “application” indicates that the project will represent an application that can be launched in a browser.

root: points to the project files folder relative to the working environment. An empty value corresponds to the root folder of the project.

sourceRoot: Specifies the root folder of the source files. The place where all application files are actually defined.

schematics section of settings is used for generating new files with CLI. For example, if I use the command ‘ng generate’ component by default component will use an SCSS file for styles.

architect: Specifies the settings for building the project. Everyone knows the commands “ng serve” or “ng build”. Inside the architect section, we can find settings for “serve” and “build” commands. We also could create our own architect settings and run them with the command “ng”.

Inside of the target architect mostly we set a path to the right file.

scripts section is about js files that you gonna use in your project additional libraries JQerry, Bootstrap, etc.

styles section is about CSS files that you will use in the project. Like Bootstrap styles.

outputPath specifies the directory for the compiled application files.

configurations: contains specific settings for the different workspaces (production, development). We also could add a new workspace for stage etc.

In the configuration section we can set the next settings:

optimization: indicates whether optimization will be used

outputHashing: Indicates whether a hash value will be appended to the generated file name. The value all says that a hash is added to the names of all generated files

sourceMap: Determines if source map files will be generated. If you set “true” you will see original file names that you see in your project.

namedChunks: determines if filenames will be used for named loadable chunks.

vendorChunk: determines whether a separate file will be generated for third-party libraries used in the application.

buildOptimizer: Includes @ angular-devkit / build-optimizer package to optimize when using the AOT option.

Originally published at http://tomorrowmeannever.wordpress.com on December 1, 2021.



Yurii K
Nerd For Tech

Full-stack developer. In my work, I use Angular and C#. In my free time I write articles for my blog.