White-label OpenSea NFT Marketplace vs. OpenSea

Nerd For Tech
Published in
6 min readApr 27, 2023

The world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is rapidly evolving, and as the demand for NFTs continues to grow, so does the need for NFT marketplaces. OpenSea, the largest NFT marketplace in the world, has become the go-to platform for buying and selling NFTs. However, there is another option available — White-label OpenSea NFT Marketplace.

OpenSea is an established marketplace that has gained a reputation for its extensive collection of NFTs, user-friendly interface, and support for multiple blockchain networks. On the other hand, White-label OpenSea allows individuals and businesses to create their own customized NFT marketplace with all the features and functionalities of OpenSea.

In this article, we’ll compare OpenSea and White-label OpenSea and highlight the key differences between the two platforms.

⎋ OpenSea

OpenSea is a well-known NFT marketplace that offers a wide variety of NFTs across various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain. Users can buy and sell anything from digital art, collectibles, and gaming items to virtual real estate.

OpenSea’s features include a simple and intuitive interface, support for multiple blockchains, an extensive collection of NFTs, and a built-in wallet for easy transactions. OpenSea also offers various tools for creators, such as the ability to mint and sell their own NFTs, set royalties, and create auctions.

However, OpenSea’s popularity comes with its own set of drawbacks. As the largest NFT marketplace, the competition is high, and getting your NFTs noticed can be challenging. Additionally, OpenSea takes a 2.5% fee on all transactions, which can add up quickly for high-value NFTs.

⎋ White-label OpenSea

White-label OpenSea, as the name suggests, allows individuals and businesses to create their own branded NFT marketplace using the OpenSea platform. With White-label OpenSea, you can customize the look and feel of your marketplace, set your own fees, and have full control over your marketplace.

White-label OpenSea is a great option for businesses and individuals who want to establish their own unique brand presence in the NFT marketplace. It offers all the features of OpenSea, including support for multiple blockchains, a user-friendly interface, and extensive collections of NFTs.

One of the main advantages of White-label OpenSea is the level of control it gives to the marketplace owner. With White-label OpenSea, you have the ability to set your own transaction fees, customize the branding of your marketplace, and control the user experience. This level of control can be appealing to businesses and individuals who want to create a more personalized NFT marketplace experience for their users.

However, there are some downsides to using White-label OpenSea. One of the biggest drawbacks is the cost. Setting up a White-label OpenSea marketplace can be expensive, and there are ongoing maintenance costs to consider as well. Additionally, creating a custom marketplace can take time, which may not be ideal for businesses or individuals who want to get their marketplace up and running quickly.

⎋ Differences between OpenSea and White-label OpenSea

There are several key differences between OpenSea and White-label OpenSea that are worth considering.

Customization options

With OpenSea, you have limited customization options. While you can set your own royalties and create auctions, you don’t have control over the look and feel of the marketplace. With White-label OpenSea, you have complete control over the branding and user experience.

Ownership and control

When you use OpenSea, you’re essentially renting space on someone else’s marketplace. With White-label OpenSea, you have complete ownership and control over your marketplace.


OpenSea is free to use, but they take a 2.5% fee on all transactions. With White-label OpenSea, you have to pay for the development and maintenance of your marketplace.

Time to market

Creating a custom marketplace with White-label OpenSea can take time. With OpenSea, you can get your NFTs up for sale quickly.

⎋ Advantages of White-label OpenSea

While there are some drawbacks to using White-label OpenSea, there are also some significant advantages.

Control over the marketplace

With White-label OpenSea, you have complete control over your marketplace. This means you can set your own transaction fees, control the user experience, and customize the branding to create a unique NFT marketplace.

Custom branding

With White-label OpenSea, you can create a custom marketplace that reflects your brand’s unique identity. This can be a great way to differentiate yourself from the competition and establish a strong brand presence in the NFT marketplace.

Enhanced user experience

Because you have complete control over the user experience, you can create a more personalized and engaging experience for your users. This can help to increase user engagement and drive more sales.

Ability to set fees

With White-label OpenSea, you have the ability to set your own transaction fees. This can be a significant advantage for businesses and individuals who want to maximize their profits.

⎋ Advantages of OpenSea

While White-label OpenSea has its advantages, there are also some reasons why you might want to consider using OpenSea.

Established user base

OpenSea has a large and established user base. This can make it easier to get your NFTs in front of a wider audience and increase your chances of making a sale.

Access to multiple blockchain networks

OpenSea supports multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain. This means you can reach a larger audience and sell your NFTs on multiple platforms.

Extensive marketing and promotion

OpenSea has an extensive marketing and promotion program that can help to increase your visibility and drive more sales.

Higher transaction volume

Because OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace, it generally sees higher transaction volumes than White-label OpenSea. This means that you may have a better chance of selling your NFTs quickly on OpenSea.

⎋ Conclusion

In summary, White-label OpenSea Clone offers more control and customization options, but can be expensive and time-consuming to set up. OpenSea, on the other hand, has an established user base and extensive marketing and promotion, but offers limited customization options.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to use OpenSea or White-label OpenSea will depend on your specific needs and goals. If you want complete control over your NFT marketplace and have the resources to create a custom marketplace, then White-label OpenSea may be the best option for you. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to sell your NFTs with an established user base, then OpenSea may be the better choice.

⎋ FAQs

  1. Is it possible to switch from OpenSea to White-label OpenSea? Yes, it is possible to switch from OpenSea to White-label OpenSea, but it can be a time-consuming and expensive process.
  2. How much does it cost to set up a White-label OpenSea marketplace? The cost of setting up a White-label OpenSea marketplace can vary depending on the level of customization and features you require. It can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.
  3. Can I customize the look and feel of my White-label OpenSea marketplace? Yes, with White-label OpenSea, you have complete control over the branding and user experience, so you can customize the look and feel of your marketplace.
  4. Does White-label OpenSea support multiple blockchain networks? Yes, White-label OpenSea supports multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain.
  5. How long does it take to set up a White-label OpenSea marketplace? The time it takes to set up a White-label OpenSea marketplace can vary depending on the level of customization and features you require. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.



Nerd For Tech

She believes in the power of words to change the world.