Why Choose Magento For Building An Online eCommerce Store In 2021–22?

Emma Jhonson
Nerd For Tech
Published in
7 min readMar 20, 2021

Day by day, the number of online shoppers worldwide is increasing, seeing this business look forward to having their online store to sell their products and services. Well, there are various eCommerce platforms that you can use to build a multi-featured and user-friendly eCommerce website.

If I talk about the best eCommerce platform, then Magento is nowadays trending and extensively used for eCommerce web development.

  • 212,361 live websites are currently using Magento; additionally, 543,196 sites used Magento historically.
  • Around 270,000 retailers prefer Magento for their business.
  • Currently, Magento powers 1.2% of websites on the Internet.

About Magento

Magento is a very famous open-source eCommerce platform, including the content and multiple functionalities of the online store. Moreover, this platform helps you make your site more search engine optimization (SEO) friendly.

The platform includes out-of-the-box features, plugins, and themes that ultimately help you intensify the customer’s experience. You can take the help of the best Magento eCommerce development company to make effective use of it in eCommerce web app development.

Reasons To Prefer Magento For Building Online Store

Here I have stated various reasons that will help you pick Magento for your next eCommerce development project.

  1. Economic Web Development
Image Source: MLSDev

Affordability is a vital part that every business considers while picking an e-commerce development platform. If you want agile eCommerce development solutions, then Magento will be the best option for you.

Magento’s website development is economical as cloud hosting reduces maintenance costs. The web app development cost also depends on the number of features and functionalities you are going to integrate.

2. Multiple e-Stores Management

Integrating numerous online store options within the eCommerce website can be the best idea to gain more customer reach, and this task can be easily fulfilled with Magento.

Businesses usually prefer the Magento eCommerce platform for applying a multi-store strategy which ultimately helps you build and manage an online store from a dashboard. This functionality saves your time and helps you develop an eCommerce web app simply and fastly.

3. Robust Community Support

Magento has a broader community that includes dedicated e-commerce developers, bloggers, project managers, and more. This mainly helps developers reach the community to resolve issues and other errors.

360,000+ forum members are connected with the Magento community, and they are intelligent enough to provide proper guidelines and solutions for a particular subject. Choosing Magento developers for hire can be a great option for creating the leading eCommerce app.

4. Open To Use Platform

Magento is a free and open-to-use eCommerce platform that enables online retailers to customize websites associated with their business. To use Magneto for free, you need to install it on your device. To make proper Magneto use for eCommerce development, you avail Magento eCommerce development services. This will help you create an impactful website.

5. Superior Performance

When it comes to superior performance, then Magento is one of the best alternatives as it supports reducing the page loading time and other statistical operations. This eCommerce platform includes 1000+ extensions that are usually utilized for customization purposes. If you want to make your eCommerce site unique from other sites, you can pick adding a new customizations option.

6. Multiple Payment Alternatives

Image Source: MagPress

In order to increase customer satisfaction rate, eCommerce sites usually incorporate multiple payment options as it helps customers make payments by picking their choice of payment option.

Magento supports most of the popular payment gateways such as Authorize.net, cash on delivery, PayPal, Amazon payment, Google checkout, bank transfer, and other methods. This platform can support you in including various payment options in your online store in a hassle-free manner.

7. SEO-friendly Platform

Magento platform is packed with various SEO-friendly features such as sitemaps, SEO-friendly URL structure, positioning layer, and more. Websites integrated with various SEO extensions and plugins help you rank your website in a simple and agile way. Moreover, it makes your site more user-friendly and simply crawlable by Google bots.

8. Simple Integration With Other Software

With the Magento eCommerce web development platform, it is easier to integrate third-party services on the e-commerce website. Additionally, this eCommerce platform proffers various built-in google tools like Google checkout, Google analytics, and Google base, which mainly boost website performance.

Popular eCommerce Websites Created On Magento

Here I have mentioned a few popular companies’ names that use Magento in their online store. To hire the most dedicated Magento developer in India, you can get connected with one of the best IT outsource companies. This will help you use the Magento platform in an efficient way.

Coca Cola

Image Source: Prepared Foods

Coca-Cola is one of the famous and most liked soft drink brands. This company uses Magento in their online store to enhance the site working, selling gift boxes, personalized bottlers, and more.


Image Source: Pinterest

Ford is the most popular organization in American. This company adopted Magento CMS to retail Ford Accessories to online purchasers.

Fox Connect

Fox Home Entertainment launched its Magento-based website on 6 January 2010.

Warby Parker

Image Source: Top Ten Reviews

It’s a billion-dollar corporation known for prescribed sunglasses and glasses. With an 80% market share in the US, the company also preferred using Magento as an e-commerce platform for their online site.


Magento runs this Japanese corporation’s website, known for its leading manufacturer of optical and digital precision technology in various countries.

Magento Top Competitors

Magento has strong competitors; some of its competitor’s details are mentioned below. It is essential to know that in eCommerce or even other businesses also, there is no best or worst platform to work with as every company has its own requirements and budget, so the selection of the platform only depends on its key factors.


It is one of the excellent eCommerce platforms well known for its work. This platform supports a drag-and-drop feature, which ultimately makes the development process more manageable.

Wix allows you to take your eCommerce site to the next level, but for that, you need to use the paid version of it, and by doing so, you will be enabled to unite your domain, remove Wix ads, utilize SEO strategies, and more.

Building an eCommerce website utilizing eCommerce platforms is not so simple as numerous errors occur while creating the online store. But all such problems can be handled effectively, but for that, you need to hire Magento Programmers.

Eat Live Sleep, Tobias Becs, Good Feeling Goods, French Knot Studios, Vintique, Two One are great brands utilizing Wix.

Wix Vital Features

  • Allows building professional logo in less time frame
  • Empowers you to create artistic, handmade designs for your online store.
  • Offer top-level SEO tools
  • Track and control your site’s performance
  • Offers multiples templates


Image Source: Digital4design

It is a reliable eCommerce cloud-based SaaS platform that allows you to design websites easily. Using Shopify service helps you get access to an admin panel where you can correlate products, process orders, and store connected data.

Penguin Books, Heinz, Bulletproof, DTH are the most famous brands using Shopify.

Shopify Features

  • Web hosting & endless bandwidth
  • Mobile commerce ready
  • Analytics dashboard
  • Standard order creation
  • Fraud investigation
  • Discount codes


It is a well-known open-source eCommerce platform. It is more agile, secure, and easier to utilize. This platform is mainly designed for small to large-sized online retailers.

WooCommerce became famous for its probity, customization, and more. It gives primary store functionality, which includes free plug-in from the plug-in Repository. The platform supports 100+ extensions.

WooCommerce platform is utilized by these leading companies Root Science, Porter and York, BlueStar Coffee Roasters, Untold Wish, Marché du Pre, and more.

WooCommerce Vital Features

  • Supports many actions and filters
  • 400 official extensions
  • Countless themes
  • Includes REST API
  • Unlimited customization

Wrapping Up

Whether you have an online store or plan to start it in the future, always pick an eCommerce platform that fits your preferences and budget. Magento can be the best choice as it includes multiple features and functionalities and is cheaper compared to other platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.

If you want to make a scalable online store with multiple features and functionalities, I will advise you to get connected with the best Magento eCommerce development company.



Emma Jhonson
Nerd For Tech

I am a technical expert, a passionate writer, and a seasoned IT professional for the last 5 years at www.ValueCoders.com