Why You Should Love Code Reviews

Olenin Slava
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2024


For quite a while, I have been pitching that Code Review benefits you, engineer. Not your company, not managers, but you! In this article, I will elaborate on why.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

The other day, I saw the Code Review guideline from one of the organizations. It was filled with all those fancy, corporate-friendly terms like security, complexity, testability, company reputation, etc.

While all that is good, I kept thinking, “Who the hell will read that?!”. Are you supposed to memorize this lengthy document? Or keep it open whenever you make a PR or review someone’s code?

Your code is violating cyclomatic complexity! Bad boy!!!

No wonder many, not even Junior Engineers, think of Code Review as a regulation! After reading this document, I would expect junior developers to close the tab and forget this ever happened at best and, at worst, be paralyzed, seeking someone’s approval for every line of code they write.

From my experience, I can say that both parties, authors and reviewers, can be opposing about code review. Authors usually do not like it, thinking that it is solely for regulations, and reviewers do not like it because they have to write their own code, so why would they spend time reviewing others?



Olenin Slava
Nerd For Tech

Passionate Software Developer with a strong focus on Web, 3D, Mobile, and pretty much any interactive computer graphics.