Why You Should Not Use Laravel

Beau Beauchamp
Nerd For Tech


I’ve been a developer for over 20 years and used numerous PHP frameworks, including Laravel, Cake, Zend 1 & 2, CodeIgniter, Yii, and a home brewed one I wrote a while back.

Experience gives you a perspective you don’t get just using one framework over and over. As programmers, we are creatures of habit. We use what we know and if we’ve been using whatever language or framework for the past 5 years, well, that’s our go-to tool of choice. It’s familiar, like an old friend we know and know well.

But just because we’re familiar and comfortable with a language or framework doesn’t mean that it’s the best suited for the kind of projects we’re building.

I come from an enterprise background, projects that included hundreds of developers all working on various pieces of massive interactive applications. The really cool thing about working with such a large and diverse group of people is that you learn things, how to do this and that, not just more efficiently but more importantly, autonomously and extensibly.

I’m not saying Laravel is a bad framework for many different kinds of projects, but for very experienced developers, Laravel isn’t our go-to choice.

Why? Let’s explore a few reasons …

Laravel is not PHP.



Beau Beauchamp
Nerd For Tech

Technology entrepreneur. Web application architect. Paranormal sci-fi romance writer.