Why Zig programmers are making so much money

Olenin Slava
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2024


Are you wondering why Zig programmers make so much money? Guess what? It is not what you are thinking.


I am not Zig evangelist. Even more, I cannot see a clear reason for what type of projects I would use it for. In my opinion, if the language is not revolutionary enough, it is not worth spending time building a whole new community ecosystem and tooling around it.

People love counting other people’s money.

A few months ago, after StackOverflow published another round of surveys, the programmer’s community was overflowing with questions: Why is Zig the highest-paid programming language on the market?

YouTube bombarded me with videos in which yet another “programming teacher” said something like, “I do not understand why Zig developers are paid so much.” It is wordy, pure VS code support, with no class, blah, blah.

Generally, if a programming teacher tells you “do not understand why a programming language is paid well or not,” find another teacher. It is very likely that your teacher does not have enough experience to teach. Many artists use the same brushes, but you do not think they must all be equally paid.

Simple stuff first



Olenin Slava
Nerd For Tech

Passionate Software Developer with a strong focus on Web, 3D, Mobile, and pretty much any interactive computer graphics.