Will AI Steal Your Job?

Will AI Gonna Replace The Designer’s Role?

Karthik Venkatraman
Nerd For Tech
5 min readSep 12, 2022


AI Steal your Job
Will AI Steal Your Job?

Design is all about transferring creativity in the form of art, model, or digital asset to express the client’s feelings and need to satisfy the customer’s requirements.

A designer is a person who converts his creative ideas into the desired prototype to full fill the needs of his client.

Term Artificial Intelligence (AI) a well-known term in recent times across every sector has gained massive popularity across various industries. The advent of machine learning makes human life simple by implementing a code of instruction to finish a specific task. This dynamic potential of machine learning paves the route for Artificial Intelligence to rule every sector across the industry. Likewise, AI also plays a major part in the field of design. Many developers accepted and adopted the concept of deep learning to produce their most efficient designs. Additionally, this AI is much smarter than humans. Comparatively, AI takes minimal time to generate desired product design than a manual designer. This made many business owners point their attention toward AI, this scenario will surely replace the designer with AI. The rise of AI will be a great threat to the number of workers across the industries, their job security was at higher risk.

Hands-on experience is the best way to learn about all the interdisciplinary aspects of robotics - Rodney Brooks

How is AI impacting the design field?

The arrival of numerous AI-based design software increases the overall productivity of firms. A man would take more than a week to render a sect of 20 alternative designs, but an AI tool will generate those kinds of stuff in a fraction of time. These are some factors that an emerging designer could face in his career with AI. With the help of this AI-based design software, You don’t need to be an expert in photoshop or any other design software to render your design prototype. The specific Bots integrated with this software allow everyone to generate the design with a single click. These AI made the whole process simple and can get the desired output in a fraction of a second. These single AI can perform the overall work of more than 20 men.

Do you think this AI would replace the job of designers?

Robot Steal your Job
How is AI impacting the design field

Disadvantages of AI- Designers?

By framing the set of code, you can instruct a bot(AI) to deliver the output of your design prototype but that won’t even match the creativity that arises from the human mind. With AI you can produce thousands of designs with just a single click, but the quality of designs will not be determined. It’s hard to alter or re-design the already existing AI-generated designs, due to its inbuilt algorithm which won’t allow you to reuse the same image more than once in your lifetime.

Design AI won’t understand the requirement of the clients. It will be a hectic task for project managers to explain the essential needs of the production to ML embedded bot.

Albeit Designer bots were smart, we can’t expect creative designs from them, they will be generating the product design with their default inbuild instructions. This will create a huge gap between the quality and quantity of the product design. So in the current market, there is a huge demand for skilful designers. Global entrepreneurs were not ready to depend on robots for skilled human designers. So there are no possibilities of loss of job for a robot.

AI vs Human

The arrival of many AI design applications, software, and discord channels made the designing process simple for whoever can produce their design. So this will give tough competition to the upcoming budding designers.

So what is the solution? How do overcome this situation?

The main mantra to withstand in any sector is skill development. I would recommend all design enthusiasts to update their skills along with the AI prompts to master their design realm. Imagine a person with both manual and automatic technical skills is inevitable. Designers who would like to collaborate with the in-build AI design bots will be considered immortal designers, where their creativity and machine learning prompt will enable them to generate extraordinary designs.

The term “AI gonna steal everyone’s job” is True!

Upcoming techie world gonna depend on the automation process. Bots and Robots going to share a major role in that. Don’t need to panic, they gonna replace only the blue-collar job roles, but the managerial roles like art director, prompt embedder(Developer), and other white-collar jobs were opened for design engineers. You just need to update your technical skill along with your creative designing knowledge. Other operational works can be automated by AI but the creative design work can’t match human perfection.

Human vs Robot :

The main agenda behind the rise of AI bots inside industries is to reduce the usage of human resources. Other than that there is no way that robots are better than Humans. Humans are the only creature on Earth with six senses, leadership, and extensive problem-solving capability.

We can’t expect such qualities from a single sensed machine.

For example: How a jockey is important to win a horse race, likewise a Human designer/developer is needed to handle such powerful AIs.

Human vs Robot
Human vs Robot

Robots are manufactured for performing Automotive repetitive operational tasks. The design engineer needs to feed the creative design ideas via prompts to the bots to produce the dynamic design elements. The designer’s experience matters, their overall experience plays a vital part in the success of the project.

A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law — Issac Asimov

Conclusion — Blog Outcomes:

We have come to the outcome of our blog. The rise of AI usage will increase the overall productivity of the organization. At the same time without the monitorization of designers, it’s hard to attain such dynamic production. To finish a successful project without any escalation, a 6-sensed human brain is needed.

Technical coordination between the designers and AIs

The technical coordination between the designers and AIs will help the project to achieve massive success. In the upcoming world, robots will give us a helping hand to accomplish marvellous things. Creative brains and mammoth power will create our future stronger. So, my final thought about this debate is AI machines won’t replace or steal or grab or take over designers’ jobs, instead both gonna work together to carve the futuristic techie world.

