Writing a good solution design document

Importance of design documents and writing a good design document in the world of Data and Analytics

Mayank Srivastava
Nerd For Tech


Agile and DevOps mean no design and no documentation. Now don’t get shocked. This is one of the biggest myths I have seen in the last couple of years in quite a lot of companies and also in my discussion with Engineers. And I would like to put a rest to it by saying “Don’t make the mistake of not designing things properly before you start developing” whether it be a Data Engineering pipeline or creating a Data visualisation or creating that fancy Machine learning pipeline. Every single development you do needs a design and not doing so is the biggest mistake we do in any kind of project. By design, I don’t mean spending all your time till eternity to achieve perfection in your design. The first and foremost thing you need to do is to make sure that your design and architecture are flexible, agile, and can evolve with changes as a result of learnings during implementation.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

In this article I will try to share my experience as an Architect and also share what I believe are the things that we should capture in a solution design document before we take it to Architecture Review Boards for approval and deal with that pain in ass Enterprise Architect for approval (I am one of them). I will…



Mayank Srivastava
Nerd For Tech

Technology leader with a vision and strategy on a mission to help your organisation become a truly data-driven organisation.