Diablo III Open Beta This Weekend

Wade Tandy
Nerd News & Reviews
1 min readApr 20, 2012

It’s (almost) the moment we’ve all been waiting for. As you know, the release for Diablo 3 is just around the corner. With this in mind, Blizzard announced today that they will be opening up their Diablo 3 servers this weekend to anyone with a valid (and free) Battle.net account, so that they might experience the game and run the servers through their paces. The servers will become available at 3:00pm EDT on Friday April 20th — yup, that’s TODAY.

Let’s say that again: YOU CAN PLAY DIABLO 3 STARTING ABOUT AN HOUR FROM NOW. The beta that will be available this weekend covers the “first third of the first act” of the game. Nobody really knows what that means yet, since we don’t know how many acts the final game will have (Diablo 2 had four acts when it was first released). Having played both the D3 beta and D2 many times, I can say that the “first third” is not quite as long as the entirety of Act 1 of Diablo 2, but is certainly well over half of its length. This leads me to believe the final game is going to be HUGE.

Anyway, go sign up, play, and sound off in the comments with your thoughts on the game.

