Throwdown: Two Nerds Enter, One Nerd Leaves!

Wade Tandy
Nerd News & Reviews
2 min readAug 20, 2010

Alright, kids, I hope you have your big-boy pants on, because today it gets rough — today we introduce the Throwdown. Contributors and readers alike are not only invited but encouraged to throw in their two cents, not just once but as many times as you like, until your opinion on the day’s question has been thoroughly expressed. Now, obviously, this could get real ugly real quick, but here at Nerd News And Reviews we like to think that we’re a pretty classy outfit, so try to keep the flaming of other readers to a minimum, or at least keep it on topic. In other words, we don’t need to hear about politics or religion.

The first Throwdown topic: The Goon movie, the trailer, and specifically the casting of the main characters. Hit the jump to enter the fray.

So during this year’s ComicCon, the full Goon trailer was released, and I know all of us here at NNAR were pretty dang excited. The thing looked great, it was hilarious, and had just the right mix of comedy, violence, zombies, and noir to honor Eric Powell’s Goon series.

That said, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. The casting of Goon and Franky: what did you think? I have to say, Paul Giamatti pretty much blew me away as Franky. I had always imagined Franky to have a somewhat higher voice, seeing as how he’s a pretty small guy, but Paul Giamatti was just so animated and explosive (that bit with the “tikitikitik” sound effect as he takes the zombie’s money was priceless) that I simply couldn’t deny him. Clancy Brown as the Goon was also a good choice, but here’s my issue: I always imagined the Goon to sound like Marcus Fenix. So that leads me to ask, why didn’t they get John Di Maggio to do it? He’s an incredibly experienced voice actor, he has a wide range (Marcus Fenix, Bender from Futurama, the Brute Chieftain in Halo), and I’ll bet his quote is a lot less money than Clancy Brown’s. That’s sort of a big deal, since the Goon film project currently still can’t find a studio to fund the thing despite the trailer being fantastic.

So there you have it: Paul Giamatti and Clancy Brown. Choose their fates like the Emperor, then jump into the arena and fight it out like gladiators.

