Survey about mobile issues

John Park
Nerd story
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2013

샌프란시스코에서 열린 open mobile summit 2013에 모인 모바일 업계 전문가 400명에게 즉석에서 설문한 결과입니다.

What do you think is the hottest start-up market in mobile today?

현재 창업이 가장 Hot한 분야에 대한 질문에 커머스/리테일이 30%로 1위. 페이먼트/월렛이 24%로 2위를 차지. 큰 범주로 보면 커머스가 54%로 대세임.

What do you think is the hottest start-up market in mobile today?

Which mobile ecosystem is most important to you?

iOS가 비록 근소한 차이지만 우위를 점했다는 것은 미국은 여전히 아이폰이 강세임을 입증하는 결과.

Which mobile ecosystem is most important to you?

Who is the most important player in today’s mobile ecosystem out of?

Who is the most important player in today’s mobile ecosystem out of?

What is the next big challenge for mobile?

What is the next big challenge for mobile?

How will ‘Apps vs. Mobile Web’ debate shape up in 2014?

How will ‘Apps vs. Mobile Web’ debate shape up in 2014?

How much time for the internet of things to emerge?

IoT에 대한 시장은 여전히 약 3년 정도 시간이 필요하다는 의견.

How much time for the internet of things to emerge?

What is the next evolution of the mobile device?

What is the next evolution of the mobile device?



John Park
Nerd story

Senior Vice President at SK planet and responsible for T store & hoppin. Carpe Diem. Big fan of SK Wyverns and RedSox. personal account