An Introduction and What This Page is For

Jacob Katz
Nerdboy Productions
5 min readJan 9, 2018

Oh hi. I didn’t see you there. How’s your day been? Weather’s been alright I guess... No, I haven’t seen the newest Game of Thrones yet but I bet it’s still good. Yes, I know, I promise I’ll be caught up soon...

I’m bad at introductions. Let’s start over.

Hey there! I’m Jacob, but most of my friends also call me Jacob. If they talk to me. I’m here to put my unoriginal and unfunny jokes onto your screens and into your internal monologues, as well as hopefully create something that resonates with you in one way or another. This publication is mainly going to be for Nerdboy Productions, my freelance multimedia production company that I am in the process of setting up, but a big part of what I want to do will be the content put on this Medium page. We’ll get to what exactly that might be later.

Definitely not my primary writing tool. Mainly because I don’t work at a Starbucks. Yeah, yeah, sick burn, I know.

My goal for Nerdboy Productions is to be the things that I have marveled at throughout my childhood. Equal parts devoted production house, state-of-the-art studio, engaging online presence, and, most of all, a fun and enjoyable extension of myself. I have always felt comfortable with a computer. Working with one, on one, or sometimes inside one. Okay, that came out wrong. What I mean to say is that computers have been a part of my life for an exceedingly long time. Probably a little too much. Probably.

Since I was 11, I’ve steadily been increasing my skillset as a media producer, teaching myself to edit videos, design graphics and print layouts, and learn the industry standard tools I see being used in what some people call “the real world.” I’ve known for a while I wanted to do that for a living. Write, edit, film, you name it. That’s what I feel the happiest doing.

So how does that apply to this page? Well, that’s a great question, overused transition framed as a rhetorical question! On this Medium publication, I, as well as some other writers and aspiring producers I know, want to put our thoughts, our inner monologues, our interests, up here for everybody to see. Hopefully you will find it interesting or entertaining, and talk to us about what we’re feeling and thinking, and then follow us on Twitter and create a media empire the likes of which HAVE NEVER BEEN SEEN! Sorry, got off track. I want to become a better media consumer, a better writer, a better thinker, a better everything. And I think Medium is the next step.

I’m still getting the hang of this formatting thing. Please bear with me.

That brings us to probably (read: definitely) the most important part of this little slice of Internet: the content. As I said before, this will hopefully be a sort of curated dumping ground of thoughts, but in a much more elegantly put way. Like, try this on for size. ‘A laser-focused collection of musings,’ or ‘a buncha words spewed on a page.’ I like one of those, but I can’t really tell which one. Anyway, here’s what to expect from me and eventually others on the Nerdboy Productions Medium:

  • Analyses and Introspections: Breakdowns, in-depth looks, and personal essays about things that I love. Video games, movies, culture phenomenons, anything that seems interesting to read and might provide a deeper look into the cultural and technological world we live in.
  • Reviews: Yes, I know it’s surprising, but I ALSO have opinions on movies, music, games, and products that come out! Sarcasm aside, I would love to share my opinions on things I see and experience, as well as discuss those experiences with a (hopefully) active audience. This could range from new pieces to old, overdone to unknown, and two other opposites that I can’t think of right now. My god, what a world we live in.
  • Pop Culture Piece (aka #PCPiece): This is something I’ve been throwing around in my head for a while, and wanted to finally make a reality. On Twitter (@nerdboysocial), I want to start making a daily (or weekly, depending on the feel) showcase of some piece of pop culture I enjoy. A song, a movie, a piece of art, anything that seems to be jumping out at me on that particular day. And if it’s up on the Twitter, I want to have at least a short little blurb about it on here. These won’t be as in-depth as a review, nor as critical or introspective as an essay/analysis, but more quick little messages of appreciation for something that has stayed with me and added meaning to my life.
  • Poems, Stories, Excerpts: Every now and then, I get an idea for something and want to write it down. Very rarely do those turn into more than short little blocks of text that live in the Notes app on my phone. Occasionally, I think it might be fun to share these pieces and try and improve myself as a writer. This will be a much looser type of writing than other articles on this page, and will certainly be more experimental. This is definitely the part I’m most scared about sharing. But what the hell, it’s gonna be fun.

So if any of this seems interesting to you, if you want to see a production company be built from the ground up, with the highs and the lows documented here for the world to see, or even if you just want to humor me because I’ve been pestering you about it on social media, please consider following this Publication, following Nerdboy Productions on Facebook and Twitter (both @nerdboysocial), and checking back to see what I have in store.

On the road ahead is a fully functioning website, a formal founding of this business, and, if all goes well, some very interesting projects that I can’t wait to show you. Thanks for reading, see you soon.



Jacob Katz
Nerdboy Productions

Founder of Nerdboy Productions. Video editor, writer, graphic designer, independent producer, animator. Probably a bit of game playing in there too.