Poem: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Jacob Katz
Nerdboy Productions
4 min readJan 27, 2018

Back when I first moved to my college campus, I found it a little weird and jarring to be walking around this gigantic place at 4am and have it be more or less completely empty. I got a little freaked out after a bit and went back to my dorm room, but not before writing this poem down. It’s not perfect, and I plan to come back to it someday and refine/edit it, but for now, I thought it was worth sharing.

I walk alone, all by myself

My thoughts unread like books on shelves

Leafing through, one more pops up

A drop in my half empty cup

A mantra from times long gone by

Of progress, loved or vilified

But now it has a different tone

Late at night, when I’m alone

— -

One step forward, two steps back

On every street and sidewalk crack

I hear the sounds in hidden thoughts

Stars are scattered, night is wrought

I quickly step to test the sound

The echo’s stimuli rebound

Dark and silent is the eve

But I’m alone, I think (believe?)

One step forward, two steps back

A leafy wind down twilight’s track

The snips and snaps of fallen leaves

Might now be some weapons’ sheathes

I keep on going, pace by pace

The steps repeating sting like mace

The silent gloom has now been hacked

One step forward, two steps back

Fast and slower, I change speed

To prove to prison that I’m freed

The jail cell of the dusk moon’s bars

Eclipsed by steps and honks of cars

Alight with fright, I start to sprint

And back there did I see a glint?

My psyche races more than me

And echoed steps seem to agree

With two steps back to my step forward

I manufacture my own horror

To think that I am being followed

In streets this safe and grounds this hallowed

Shake it off, I try to say

It’s just mere hours until day

But abashed upon an aural shore

One step back for my step forward

Stop, then start, then stop again

Try to trick my (made-up?) friend

Have I gone crazy, out of whack?

One step forward, two steps back

The frequencies are very slick

Caustic, even, acoustics

The bounce around and ricochet

Through each and every, any way

One step forward, two steps back

Its waves crush me like fresh tarmac

A rumbling comes from far across

I want to go, just at what cost?

A thunderclap, incepting storm

The peaceful sky is now malformed

What was that? A tap, a strain

The soundscape bellows down a drain

Down into a rotting sewer

Leading straight to my pursuer

I try to climb back to the known

But down here, fear has built a home

Climbing out, the sound still writhes

Screeching, waiting to subside

Yearning for its grand attack

One step forward, two steps back

I walk again, without a goal

The repetitions fill a hole

Silence knows all bounds, yet none

Its implications I must shun

One step forward, two steps back

Forcing out like Ipecac

It overwhelms without a trace

I see and feel and hear its face

The steps begin to get much louder

Booming fast, a gun’s black powder

They rapidly fill my radars

Heaving, hulking, fat quasars

I run and jump to get away

No respite from the fear or flay

Abruptly, like a slamming door

One step back for my step forward

The jagged noise just turned to dust

Who can I call, who do I trust?

Walking anew, I birth distract

One step forward, two steps back

Worried, I think of books I’ve read

Recalling chapters in my head

Obliterate my panicked worries

That circle me in darting flurries

“Chi dara fin al gran dolore?”

A question from a text of yore

“The hour’s pass,” answer intact

One step forward, two steps back

Now fed up, I race away

What’s going on’s now clear as day

A man is there, advancing closer

Demon, convict, rapist, ghost or…

I glance around in solitary

My senses prove my thought contrary

Or so I hope, or so I think

Bushes rustle, on the brink

The end is near, salvation’s nigh

Adrenaline and danger high

To give up now is all but death

Was that another person’s breath?

I leave the area in fright

To places, mornings, hopef’ly bright

To reminisce means scares inhered

Of what might have been, could have appeared

Was it a man with plans of harm,

Or just my brain in red alarm?

I swear I heard in all that black

One step forward, two steps back

At midnight, or a close-by hour

I’m drowned by mem’ries in a shower

I stare out my window to the street

And see a gleam, I hear the feet

I’ll never know quite what there was

Endless my mental canvas draws

I can’t forget, I’ll never lack

One step forward, two steps back

Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, please let me know somewhere online; I really appreciate the responses and feedback. If you want to see more from this author (me!), follow @jacobisaboy on Twitter. If you want to see more from Nerdboy Productions, follow us here, or on Facebook and Twitter @nerdboysocial.



Jacob Katz
Nerdboy Productions

Founder of Nerdboy Productions. Video editor, writer, graphic designer, independent producer, animator. Probably a bit of game playing in there too.