3 Issues to AVOID Doing Philosophy Homework: Help from Nerds

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7 min readFeb 5, 2019

Philosophy homework help is counterintuitive, and my tutor friend at Phoenix University has a good explanation why.

“You see, — he mumbles with a mug of beer. — Our aim to teach students how to think that all these dead philosophers did. No more, no less.”

However my friend is extravagant, he’s right — the purpose of modern college philosophy is not to learn facts of biographies, but to learn modes of thinking.

Here a noble goal goes wrong. Developing a new mindset, especially critical one, is the most laborious task in the world. For college students, who face philosophy in the middle of their college adaptation, this subject becomes a hot iron in the face.

So, philosophy homework help is in demand, and I’m a Personal Nerd who aids students to pass their philosophical challenges with reward. Learn 3 mistakes hurt aspiring philosophers the most, and how I help to fix them.

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Focusing on Philosophers is a Mistake in Philosophy Homework

You may object this heading from the very beginning, and I admit that you’d do it for a good reason. We know that philosophy homework is Kant, Sartre, Aristotle, Plato and a lot of other fancy guys. However, your tutors, exams and final papers will check your understanding and knowledge of thought currents, a.k.a. philosophy schools.

However, that is very unobvious, given that representatives of two philosophy schools may differ significantly. Even though both Descartes and Spinoza are rationalists, Spinoza believed that the world is, in fact, a body and mind of God. Every single cat, tree or even your dreams about lunch is God.

In turn, Descartes argued that the mind and body are completely separate, and the God supervises this connection.

Now you work on your final essay, and instructions ask you about similarities between these two brilliant freaks. Here is where my students get in touch with me.

Philosophy schools unite completely different scholars, who sometimes were rivals in real life. Getting though personalities to the essence is the task that goes hard for students.

What I always start with is that their approach should compare philosophers. However different Descartes and Spinoza are, they both believed that the only way of getting knowledge and exploring the world is through the reason. That’s how philosophy homework help works. When I show it to students on clear examples, their problems are instantly resolved.

What I highlight is that it’s not the students’ fault that they fail to understand this. Rather, I’d speak to a person in charge of the college curriculum, who decided that freshmen will be able to decipher lives and texts of philosophers. Instead of letting students spending hours on reading, I directly guide them to the essence.

And after they complete their essays in several hours, instead of weeks, they gain more than during the entire semester — understanding. It’s like a skeleton key to all doors. Unless you understand how philosophy works, reading original texts of Descartes is nothing more than herding cats.

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Citation Is a Pitfall In Philosophy Homework Help

Still, let us imagine that you managed to get through, and now you are writing an essay all steam ahead. The professor requires you to cite readings, and it does not seem to be a problem as you’ve got all texts…

Once you start building your works cited page, you’ll realize how wrong you were. Here’s when students request philosophy homework help, and sometimes they do it preventively when they find out that their essay should have 10 sources cited.

The point is that philosophers usually made shorts texts. There are exceptions, but in college, you are unlikely to deal with more than 50 pages at once. These texts were published many times, something in compendiums and collections together with many other writers.

And here where problems start.

If you cite a book, things are straightforward — but what exact book you should cite among 20 editions and republications? If you cite original 18th-century edition, then you’d probably be wrong as you did not read that text, especially if it’s French. However, if you quote some random translation, your professor may not agree with the interpretation.

Well, you may email your professor and ask to resolve this issue. But how would you cite an edited chapter of Descartes, which was published in three volumes? Philosophy homework helpers often face situations when the chapter and the book have different editors? To add the cherry on the top, let us make this chapter an online PDF.

In result, students need to cite a book, which is also an online book and has three different authors on three different layers. Also, it has two publications date. In 80% of cases, they fail.

In philosophy, there is a set on standard source texts that are safe to cite. For non-standard versions, citations rules are crazy. Here’s where my help is vital.

If the student is not required to cite something specific, I point her to a particular version of the text that your tutor will like. The point is that in philosophy studies, there are some classic publications, which are recommended to cite, and tutors are excited if students use them. Of course, I make sure that everything is cited correctly anyway — students who use Chicago style will understand why.

However, if a specific version with three sub-authors and two publication dates should be cited… Here I guide the student manually to make sure that she’s fine. Even accessible APA guides on chapter citation seem discouraging. Sometimes thing go tricky even for me, especially when students’ college uses own version of Harvard style, but I’m an expert Nerd — so everything finishes fine.

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Philosophy Essay Help Rounds All Issues Up

You may have noticed that in the majority of cases, I mention essays as the central issue in philosophy. While I help students with philosophy coursework too, compositions remain the most challenging piece of work. As essay writing is a complete expression of thought, it tests student’s practical skills.

As I said earlier, it’s an arena where college philosophy courses fail today.

In essays, you need to find sources, cite everything, and also stick to a rigorous structure. However, while essays in other subjects can be survived by clinging to guides, philosophy professors require creative thinking. That is, on the basis of readings and texts, to create own interpretations.

What college professors forget is that students come from different background. On top of that, critical thinking in philosophy — is not a trait or talent, but a skill. In philosophy homework help, I have to fix this discrepancy.

I believe that someone from a family of writers, media people or a professional in marketing can easily get away with such tasks. However, what should do those who focus on technical skills, or who trained little in text analysis? In the majority of cases, philosophy gets a running start into the depth of semantics and symbolism, leaving zero chances to keep pace with students who had advantageous training before enrolment.

I fix this philosophy homework help problem as I do with other essay tasks — with tenderness and caution. I make sure that the topic is broke down to the smallest digestible pieces, without any peel of wordplay. Then, I guide a student through the structure of the essay and ensure that sources are cited and included correctly.

What I discovered is when academic “bureaucracy” is removed, even the most ordinary students come up with brilliant ideas that score 100 out of 100.

This is pure magic of homework help. Colleges are supposed to empower students, but instead, they throw challenges on them that they may be not ready for. However, when an expert Nerd comes in, students are unleashed from restrains — and creativity, which is a part of every human being, may finally work.

In Conclusion

Fear philosophy not — it’s just a subject, like others. It may require you to go over the top without the consideration of your current skills and abilities. However, if you are not going to give up easy, your Personal Nerd can go you covered with what you lack.

The main problem of students today is that they don’t know what to expect — from universities, homework or tutors.

At Nerdify, it’s free to talk to a real person, who will help to figure your problem out.

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