Four Reasons Trump Will Not Leave Office

democracy dies in plain sight

4 min readJul 17, 2020


Photo by René DeAnda on Unsplash

Recently I read a front-page Medium post claiming that Trump will happily skip out of office if he’s not elected President in the next (2021) or next (2025) election and I wanted to write a counter-argument to his post. You can find that post by clicking here.

Doctor Wish starts out his post claiming

“Every election year, the same nutty paranoia flies around the internet. Conspiracy theorists push the idea that the president of the United States will refuse to leave office, overthrow democracy, and become a dictator.”

This claim is utterly false and just plain propaganda — I can’t remember the last time conspiracy theorists pushed the idea that a president may flat out refuse to leave office. Moreover, the only reason that we’re catching a whiff that Donald Trump may refuse to leave office is the fact that he has repeatedly violated the laws of our land and simply acts like he is the supreme leader of an autocracy.

Doctor Wish then proceeds with a few filler paragraphs, until he starts to write about his four bullet points on why Trump will simply leave office.

#1 Presidents are not patriots

Doctor Wish’s first bullet point claims that “presidents are patriots,” and to be frank, the facts couldn’t disagree more. As Mr. Pacillo stated in the comment section, Trump has “dodged the draft four times,” “he brags about not paying taxes,” and most importantly of all — Trump has allowed Russia to put bounties on U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan without any repercussions once so ever… in fact, after Trump was briefed on the bounties months ago, he tried to invite Russia into the G7 Peace Summit. Source

Hmm 🤔, this sounds like just the opposite of being a patriot to me…

#2 Bureaucrats are not patriots

Doctor Wish makes another assumption that all “bureaucrats are patriots,” and this is simply not the case. Anytime you make an assumption that a group of people all stand for the same thing undeniably, that assumption is either going to be entirely wrong or there is going to be something wrong with your inherent claim.

And while I don’t doubt that a lot of the bureaucrats in the U.S. are true patriots, I’m going to take a wild guess and say that not all of them are inherently patriots just because they are a bureaucrat.

This would be like saying all true patriots in the U.S. are full-on Trump supporters because he is [not] a patriot.

#3 The Military are patriots

The next bulleted point in Doctor Wish’s post is that “the military are patriots.”

I don’t really have a bone to pick with this one (Yes, I’m refuting one of my previous claims) as pretty much the textbook definition of a patriot is someone who serves in the military and upholds our nation’s values.

Overall, this bullet point makes sense to me in the fact that our military wouldn’t support a President who tries to illegally take another term as that wouldn’t be a very patriotic thing to do.

#4 The People are patriots

Yes, yes, yes… I somewhat agree here. While most citizens of the U.S. of A. are going to be natively patriots that does not necessarily mean that they will support what is right 100% of the time.

In the latest polls, Trump has around ~40% of supporters and let me tell you, those 40% are not true patriots. Furthermore, Trump supporters cannot be true patriots as Trump himself is not a patriot. These supporters have stood by and supported Trump as he has violated the laws of our land and put our nation to shame on the global stage. Whether he has done that by withdrawing us from relationships with our global allies, or simply spending a little too much time with Putin — he is simply not a patriot and neither are his supporters.

Therefore, “the people” are not all true patriots.

Concluding Statements

Doctor Wish proceeds to bring up a moment from history when a Romanian Communist Leader tried to hold on to power for a little too long and it ended up backfiring on them. It’s pretty convenient to quote history when it suits you, however if we return to see what’s happening present day, we don’t have to look farther than Israel or Russia to see leaders who refuse to leave power.

I am both frightened and look forward to seeing what happens on November 3rd.




A regular old person, interested in computer-related stuff!