HackWeek at Optimizely in Photos

Cheston Lee
Engineers @ Optimizely
3 min readApr 10, 2015
Unofficial Sign of HackWeek

This past week at Optimizely the ADEPT(A Design Engineering and Product Team) participated in our once a quarter Hack Week. As part of that I wanted to document a little about what happens at Optimizely during this chaotic time. What follows is a bit of a photo essay covering a few of the more photogenic projects and happenings this past week. Enjoy!

Categories in this Quarter’s Hack week include:

Best Growth Hacks

Most Viable Products

Best Quality Improvements

Most Useful Internal Tools

Best Not Easily Categorized Things

Folks were thinking long and hard about what to cook up during their open week.

Project CandyLand — Data Visualization of live User action in an LED display

There was a lot of initial planning by the team led by the fearless (Engineering Manager)Jennifer Lin.
Powered by a RasberryPi to fetch data and pipe it to the PixelPusher LED controller.
There was a lot of hard work put into cutting up the LED strips and soldering them together into a specific configuration.
Often times involved figuring out how all of these parts fit together
With some rad software to show off live data from Optimizely loading all over the world!
Brian Lucas(Software Engineer) completing the assembly process.
Demo time, with live data!

Project Build a Bar — Build a mobile UX/Design resource bar to move around the office and provide assistance to different departments around the company.

Fearless leader Zach(Senior Product Designer) did the planning and construction of this mobile design desk.
Zach & Jeff(Design Manager) overseeing the construction of the bar.
Neha, a Product Designer at Optimizely helping stain the bar.
Don’t forget to stop and enjoy a refreshing beverage. Well and play with a makeshift electronic keyboard.
Can’t forget the most important part!
Meet the Designers (Jeff & Zach)
Come back later!

Hacks about Town — Shots of the many other hack projects going on around the office.

Tom(UI Engineer)working with Aurelia(UX Researcher) built an awesome data visualization for the many displays around the office.
Asa(Software Engineer) working on improving Internationalization across the application.
Lauren(Software Engineer) destroying Security challenges in our internal run of a CTF contest.
Jon San Miguel(Software Engineer) Advice: Always hack in a comfortable location.
Kelly Walker, Product Designer demos a rework of the Editor toolbar.

And the winners are…

And the winner is! Rama for this fantastic face.

If you enjoyed this post and would like to get to know Optimizely a bit more check out our jobs page.

