
Xbox Series X Tech Superior to PS5?

Consider these 2 important things before you grab one.

Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2020


Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

There’s a new console war right around the corner. Microsoft and Sony are ready to go head-to-head with their latest and greatest gaming consoles. But this time it’s going to be a little different.

Unlike past consoles, the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 pack some serious punch this time around. Both consoles can now rival high-end gaming PC in terms of graphical power and stuff. But when stacked against each other, which console fairs better compared to the other in terms of raw power and performance?

Raw Power Vs Variable Power

Under the hood, both consoles use AMD’s custom made Zen 2 CPUs. And both use AMD Navi-based graphics chipsets. However, they are not completely identical in performance. The Xbox Series X runs at 3.8 GHz & 1.85 GHz on CPU & GPU respectively. Whereas the PlayStation 5 runs at 3.5 GHz on CPU and 2.23 GHz with GPU.

But here’s the difference, the Xbox Series X runs at the same clock frequency almost all the time. The PS5, on the other hand, is designed to throttle when it is under pressure. Even though the GPU on the PS5 can reach up to 2.23 GHz, it will not stay there most of the time, whereas the GPU on the Series…




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