DCEU: 4 Directors Who Should Take The Man Of Steel In The Right Direction In ‘MAN OF STEEL 2

Mickey Jones
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2016


With the exciting announcement of Man Of Steel 2 going through development, my mind went exactly to ‘who should direct it?’. Yeah, that hardcore Superman fan in me rejoiced, but I spend a good amount of time thinking how Man Of Steel 2 needs to be at the hands of someone other than Snyder.

Many directors out there are capable of doing The Man of Tommorow justice, but I have narrowed it down to just four. Some of these may seem strange or familiar, so before I begin, I want to say this is my opinion. What I think to be the ideal Superman director is one that can blend Sci-fi, comedy and drama well.

These are the ones i think should guide the Man of Tommorow in his next solo venture.

1. Matthew Vaughn

Kingsman, Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class.

Do I need to say more? This guy is a director who is a nerd but a nerd with talent. Huge talent. His ability to make an enjoyable film that is a popcorn film but can be deep and whatnot, is something unlike anything i’ve ever seen.

He originaly wanted to make a Superman trilogy starting with a young Supes. It never got made, obviously but why I think he’s a great choice for Superman is because of what I listed above. He knows how to make an audience-pleaser and one that doesn’t end up maligned by critics. It’s a win-win for Vaughn and DC if it happens.

Hope to god, it happens.

2. Rian Johnson

This man was chosen to direct and write TWO Star Wars movies. Yeah, enough said. Disney must believe big time at this guy’s talent.

Johnson is known for making Looper and Brick. Two oustanding films. The reason I choose him is because he knows how to make good sci-fi and build tension, he knows how to take breaks from the tension and add a bit of comedy, so it doesn’t make the movie grey and stale (looking at you, Zack Snyder).

While Star Wars would keep him busy for a while, I don’t think Man Of Steel 2 would be released earlier than 2021 (or less). So, it’s all good.

3. George Miller

George Miller is a man who’s carrer is an odity; he went from making intense post-apocalyptic films to light and innocent children’s films. So, what gives?

Does that matter? Not really. But it is weird. He knows how to use practical visuals and CGI and makes intense films with good and unique characters with the occasional reliefs of comedy.

4. Taika Waititi

Now, i know this talented, talented man is directing Thor: Ragnarok and whatnot, but this man can totally nail Superman. Superman is a character full of levity, and this guy has films that are full of levity and charm. They have serious moments and zingers to not alienate some of the audience.

But, Marvel got him first, again.

Well, that was my list. If you have yours, be sure to leave it in the comments and share your opinion on Man of Steel 2 actually getting made. Praise the Lord!



Mickey Jones

A hard-blooded writer, philosopher and lover of comic books and good films.