How to enable Enable NTFS Write Support in Mac OS for free

Vaibhav Singh
nerdy dev
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2018

It’s really a pain when you spent money on the most expensive laptop still not able to write any file on NTFS formatted hard drive. After discovering that NTFS formatted drives are only open in MacOS as read-only mode, the first thing you do a quick google search in hope to find the solution. The only thing you get expensive software with free trials, or some commands you need to run on the terminal, but you are afraid you break the MacOS so you won’t go for a free solution and end up paying to that expensive software.

Not anymore, I have a solution to this problem, that to Free!!

Mac OS X has always been able to read the NTFS drive, but it is a hidden option to enable support for drives formatted as NTFS (NTFS stands for the new technology file system and for Microsoft Windows Is a proprietary file system format). Enabling NTFS write support on Mac is quite technical and it is not officially supported by Apple, which makes it an experimental feature which is best left in the hands of advanced users who understand the process.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be pro, to enable write access in your Mac. I had written a small script, you just have to run one command, and it will do all the necessary steps and voila write access enabled for your Mac. You can download the script from below:

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