Accessing your CKByte Tokens with Neuron Wallet

Nervos Network
Nervos Network
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2019

With mainnet launch just several hours away, we wanted to thank everyone who participated in our token sale and share detailed instructions on how to access your CKByte tokens.

Following the official launch of mainnet, if you hold a keystore file or a seed phrase generated from Neuron Key Manager, you can use Neuron Wallet to receive your tokens. In order to use the Neuron Wallet, a local CKB node is required to sync with the Nervos CKB blockchain.

Please note: that this tutorial is specifically for people who hold a keystore file or a mnemonic seed phrase generated from the Neuron Key Manager. You will need to wait for mainnet launch to be able to start this tutorial.

Full instructions can be found here. You can also check out our video tutorials on YouTube.

If you do not want to run the full node and use Neuron Wallet, several 3rd party wallets will be supporting CKB shortly after mainnet launch. These include Bitpie, Cobo Wallet, imToken and more.

Mainnet Lina
CKB testnet “Rylai” will automatically terminate when the end of epoch 89 is reached. Mainnet will be deployed at the end of epoch 89, as it transitions to epoch 90 — which will officially be epoch 0 of “Lina” mainnet. Due to the way NC-max is designed, epoch time varies with the overall hash-rate of the network, which makes predicting the exact launch time a challenge. You can join the CKB Dev Mainnet channel to track the latest estimated time, which is updated every 20 minutes.

Feel free to join one of our community Telegram channels with any questions: English, Russian, Spanish and Chinese

