Highlights from Nervos’ Beyond Consensus Meetup in Shenzhen

Nervos Network
Nervos Network
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2020
A picture of the attendees at Beyond Consensus in Shenzhen.

Earlier this week, we held our latest Beyond Consensus meetup in Shenzhen.

The event was attended by dozens of local blockchain enthusiasts, as well as co-founders and team members from some of the most exciting projects in the space, including Chainlink, Celer, Portal Wallet, Tocial, Iosg, and CKB Bar.

DC from the Nervos team talks to the crowd at Beyond Consensus.
Nervos’ mining community manager DC discusses how Nervos is attracting more developers to the community by embracing a variety of programming languages.

During the event, Frank from Lay2, the team behind Portal Wallet, and Spike, the co-founder of Tocial, introduced their projects to the blockchain community. Both Portal Wallet and Tocial were recently announced as the chosen projects for the first CKLabs cohort.

Frank from the Lay2 team talks about Portal Wallet at Beyond Consensus.
Founder of Lay2 Frank Lou introduces Portal Wallet and explains how Nervos CKB “borrows” from Ethereum’s infrastructure.
Spike talks about Tocial at Beyond Consensus.
Tocial co-founder Spike introduces the Tocial team and presents his vision for the blockchain photo sharing app.

TianQi from the Grin community also took the stage to discuss Mimblewimble and Nervos’ plans to support the technology in the near future.

TianQi from the Grin community talks about Mimblewimble.
TianQi discusses the latest developments from the Grin Community.

Other speakers included Ethan, COO of Celer, who discussed scalability and sustainability in blockchain; and Phillip, manager of Chainlink’s Chinese community, who explained how to connect smart contracts with data in the real world.

Ethan talks about Celer at Beyond Consensus.
Ethan from Celer takes the stage at Beyond Consensus.
Philip talks about Chainlink at Beyond Consensus.
Philip from Chainlink speaks to guests at Beyond Consensus.

About Beyond Consensus

The event flyer for Nervos’ Beyond Consensus meetup in Shenzhen.

Last year, the Nervos team launched Beyond Consensus as a series of meetups where blockchain enthusiasts can discuss the different technologies and consensus protocols of different projects and explore the future possibilities of blockchain technology. Past meetups have taken place all over the world, including Osaka, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Taipei, and Shanghai.

Our Beyond Consensus meetups were temporarily put on hold due to COVID-19, so we were excited to see and talk with everyone in person — while still adhering to safety precautions, of course.

While the pandemic has presented some obstacles, we’re still committed to educating the blockchain community and ensuring we continue to move forward despite the setbacks we’ve faced this year.

Along with some incredible insights from the speakers, our guests also took home some exclusive Nervos swag.

For more highlights from the event, check out the pictures below.

Have a place in mind for our next Beyond Consensus meetup? Tag us @nervosnetwork on Twitter and tell us where we should go next!

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