Open Positions for Blockchain Development Engineers

Nervos Network
Nervos Network
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2019

On the heels of our Huobi partnership announcement — “Nervos and Huobi Partner For The Future Decentralized Economy” — we have kicked off a new round of talent recruitment. If you are a blockchain development engineer, we’d love to hear from you.

Nervos: the Mission and Current Status

At Nervos, we are building the infrastructure for a new decentralized economy. Our approach is a layered architecture — the Layer 1 protocol of the Nervos Network is the Common Knowledge Base (CKB) — an open, public, PoW based blockchain — the Nervos CKB code was open source and accessible to anyone in November 2018; the CKB Testnet was officially launched in May and we are about to launch the CKB mainnet in Q4 this year.

The Layer 2 protocol provides scalable transaction and computing services, as well as multiple application-layer protocols to connect businesses. Recently, Nervos has formed partnership with Huobi on building the finance chain, which will focus on deploying the DeFi services in a compliant environment and expected to launch testnet in Q1 2020.

Currently, Nervos’ projects Nervos CKB, Neuron wallet, CKB-VM, CKB-SDK are all open source. Please check out our GitHub for more details:

Who is building Nervos?

From contributors to Bitcoin and Ethereum core protocol research and development, creators of imToken- world’s largest Ethereum wallet, Spark Pool — largest ETH mining pool and Cryptape — largest and most recognized blockchain engineering team in China.

The Nervos Network was founded by the Nervos Foundation and developed by the engineers from Cryptape. In July 2018, Nervos obtained $28 million in financing from capital partners like China Merchants Bank, Polychain and Sequioa China.

Meet some of our engineers:

Jan Xie
Chief Architect Jan was the only Chinese member of Ethereum’s core research team, working with Vitalik on Ethereum’s early PoS protocol and sharding program, which implemented the early prototype of the Ethereum PoS. He also completely implemented Ruby-Ethereum with Ruby and maintained the Ethereum Python client. He designed and developed Peatio ( , the world’s first open source digital currency exchange, and CITA (, the world’s first open source enterprise blockchain core that uses microservices architecture.

Prior to Nervos, Daniel was the co-founder and CTO of the million-user Ethereum wallet imToken, and he is the China Ruby Con organizer for 10 years,

Xuejie Xiao
Xuejie is the designer of CKB-VM. He focuses on creating simplicity based software through careful and future-proof design. He has been in the software industry for years working on assorted projects, ranging from low level embedded device software to high-level customer-facing software. Previously he was a software engineer at Citrusbyte consulting, soft engineer intern at Google AdWords team. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at Syracuse University focusing on high-performance computing in the Hadoop ecosystem.

James Chen
James is a Neuron and SDKs developer. He is passionate about open source, focused, and self-disciplined. James currently works remotely in Japan.

Ian Yang
Ian focuses on system design and official client implementation. He is the former CTO at Hooya Games, and a former software engineer at Groupon.

Wanbiao Ye
Wanabiao is a blockchain development engineer, lead author of Pywasm and Rust Gameboy emulator. He is highly skilled in data analysis and is a self-proclaimed rationalist in constant pursuit of absolute reason.

Blockchain development spans multiple areas

It includes design, cryptography, economics, consensus algorithms, P2P networks, data storage and others. It is mainly divided into two modules — core blockchain development and blockchain software development. The core blockchain developers are responsible for developing the architecture of the blockchain system, the design of consensus protocols, and other high-level decision-making and development. Blockchain software developers use the architecture and protocols designed by the core blockchain developers to build decentralized applications that run on the blockchain.

At Nervos, you will not be limited. You are free to select and develop your own technical direction, and you can use and explore new languages, tools, methods, etc. (such as Go/)Rust/C/C++/Python/Docker/K8s/TypeScript/GraphQL/React).

What do we look for in developers?

  • Open source spirit
  • Curiosity
  • Self-driven
  • Love challenges
  • Strong communication skills

Working on your own terms, and doing work that matters

Our development is driven by Fred George’s definition of “Programmer Anarchy”, or self-organization. This means you have agency and autonomy over your work.

Flexible schedule and location. Most communication is done asynchronously through Github and chat. We are a flat company where people are valued for their contributions. We focus on development, not on unnecessary meetings.

We currently have these open positions

  • Senior blockchain Engineer
  • Back-End Engineer
  • Front-End Engineer
  • Senior Test Manager
  • Chief Security Operator

The world is full of fascinating problems to be solved. Join us in building the foundation of the new economy.

