Nervos CKB Development Dossier #42

Nervos Network
Nervos Network
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2020

Covering Nov 9 to Nov 22, 2020

Every two weeks we like to update the community on what our core dev team has been working on across the Nervos Network.

In the last two weeks, the CKB core team has:

  • Started to design the fork activation architecture and user-activated soft forks mechanism.
  • Completed the acceptance test of the freezer.
  • Been evaluating fee estimation algorithms.
  • Been surveying the testnet transaction submission issues.
  • Been setting up the benchmark dashboard.
  • Been working on the channel network engineering design and light client demo.

Fork Mechanism

A Fork is a tool to upgrade the chain with incompatible changes and a neccissary mechanism in the growth of an open sourced blockchain.

Ian Yang, one of the CKB developers focused on system design and official client implementation, has started to survey how to implement forks in the code and how to design an on-chain user-activated forks voting mechanism.


Dingwei Zhang, a Blockchain engineer at Cryptape, has delivered the Chain Freezer and the PR has passed the code review, as well as the acceptance test.

Chain Freezer separates the database into two parts: recent blocks and ancient history. The recent blocks are hot data and can be placed on an SSD drive to improve performance.

These advances mean the Chain Freezer will be released soon.

Fee Estimator

Boyu and Dingwei are working on the fee estimator. They have implemented one algorithm and are evaluating the precision of the algorithm.

Testnet Transaction Submission Issues submission

Guozhen, a blockchain and distributed storage system engineer, Yulong and Boyu are investigating the following testnet issues:

  • The uncle rate is high. We moved miners to the same area to lower the relay latency and now it is better.
  • The block interval is about 40 seconds, which is too long compared to the mainnet.
  • The transactions are not relayed to miners and stuck in users’ transaction pool.


  • Guozhen and Yulong are working on the benchmark dashboard.
  • Chao is working on the channel network engineering design.
  • Quake, a CKB developer, and Owen are working on the light client demo.

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In the last two weeks, the MAKE team has been working on:


  • Added more tests in Deal Maker CLI, 100% coverage
  • Refactored order matching in Deal Maker CLI


  • Updated Neuron UI and APIs for migration of ACP
  • Investigated sync issues in Neuron v0.33
  • Added functional tests and regression tests for hardware wallet & offline signing
  • Released Neuron v0.34.0-rc1

SDKs and Integrations

  • Released ckb-sdk-js@v0.38.0
  • Redesigned Exchange integration middleware with approve cell #784

Nervos Citizen

  • Released Nervos Citizen Android App v0.1.0

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