Nervos CKB Development Update #5

Ian Yang
Nervos Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

Covering Feb 11 to Feb 24

This post is co-authored by Ian Yang, Xuejie Xiao, Qian Linfeng and James Chen.


Changes in RFCs

Changes in CKB

CKB v0.6.0 has just released. We found some bugs in this version and have rewrote JSONRPC HTTP server (6cca12d) because of locking issues.

This version also contains a performance refactoring that transaction verification result is cached (1aa6788).

The team had been implementing get block template (#165) and CFB encoding (#144), and will send pull requests in the following weeks.

Changes in CKB VM

🎉 Baseline JIT is ready for review.

CKB VM’s Baseline JIT is an initial simple JIT implementation that serves 2 purposes:

  1. Provides a basic feature complete JIT implementation
  2. Serves as a underlying skeleton for enabling all the more sophisticated JIT optimizations

Changes in P2P

  • Bug fixes
  • Change dialAPI #42
  • Change send_messageAPI #46
  • Support DNS reslover #43

Changes in Toolchains

  • Do research on HD Wallet, UTXO collection, etc.
  • Release JavaScript SDK initial alpha (v0.0.1-alpha.1), Java SDK v0.6.0 and Ruby Demo (SDK) v0.6.0.

Java SDK v0.6.0 changes

  • rename localNodeInfoRPC method
  • support asw account and transfer

Ruby Demo (SDK) v0.6.0 changes

  • add support for Ruby 2.3

