Nervos Network — Community Update December 2018

Jane Wu
Nervos Network
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2018

Wish you have a great year of 2019!

Happy New Year! It has been five months since our first community update, thanks for sticking around! Here are the latest updates from Nervos:



  • Jan Xie’s article about First-class Asset, introducing a crypto asset design pattern enables user-defined crypto assets to be “First-class Citizens” on the blockchain.
  • Update from Ren Zhang: The consensus paper outline is finished. As we plan to simulate several consensus protocols to evaluate the security and performance of our design, the research team has discussed the detailed technical approach for the simulation with the development team. We expect to finish the writing and the simulation in January.
  • Update from Kevin Wang: our economic design is currently under review. We’re working on more rigorous modeling and study to establish various parameters.


  • Neutrino AMA with Daniel : Build a layered infrastructure for the crypto economy (in Chinese)
  • Fork it — the first Chinese blockchain-focused podcast for developers and presented by founders of Nervos. Here is Episode 2: Let’s talk about The DAO (in Chinese)
  • Patrick McCorry shared “Scaling Cryptocurrencies via State Channels” in Nervos developer meetup in Hangzhou
  • Rust Dev Sharing with wayslog and TheWaWaR on topics of「Tokio and Rust Application in Server-side Programming」and「Error Handling」
  • A big thanks to 3,000+ participants of our meetups in 2018! We had 29 meetups in 11 cities (San Francisco, Prague, Berlin, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi’an, Chengdu, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong) since Aug this year (including 15 weekly developer meetups in Hangzhou). Thanks to our guest speakers from Cryptape, Spark Pool, Celer Network, Alpha Wallet, PeckShield, Ambr, Amber AI, imToken, Origo Network, BlockVita, Bilibili, TEEX, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Rust Community…. Reach out to us in the channels below if you have something to share with the community, we’d love to see more of you in 2019:)

Upcoming events

Jan17, San Francisco, Dear Blockchain: Say Hello to RISC-V

Jan 30-Feb1, Stanford University, Stanford Blockchain Conference 2019

Past events in December

Dec 3–5, Santa Clara RISC-V Summit

Dec 5, Hangzhou Blockchain Dev Meetup №13

Dec 12, Hangzhou Blockchain Dev Meetup №14

Dec 16, Hangzhou Dev Meetup with Patrick McCorry

Dec 17, Hongkong Nervos Meetup Hongkong

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