Round 2 of our Mining Competition has ended!

Nervos Network
Nervos Network
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2019

With the second round of the Nervos CKB mining competition complete, we want to express our sincere gratitude to the community, and all that participated. Not only did this second round help us further stress test the network and provide valuable data and insights, but the community also helped us identify a bug in the difficulty adjustment which is now being fixed!


During the two weeks of competition, the hash rate hit 46M gps (compared with the peak of 3.5M gps during mining competition phase 1). The average hash rate was about 4.75M (it was about 1M gps for phase 1) For reference, the hash rate of previous testnets (prior to mining competitions) was about 50,000 gps and a regular macbook has a hash rate of 150 gps (graph per second).

You can check the competition reward result on mine your own business.
Details can also be seen via our community member’s ranking website, built by @louzhixian:

Please note:

* Always keep your private key safe (the file named privkey). Your private key is the only way to get your tokens after mainnet is launched.
* Mainnet addresses will be different from testnet addresses, but you can use command lines to look for your mainnet address using your privkey.

Round 3

We are now preparing, and looking forward to the next round of the competition, which will start on the 10th Aug. Details of the 3rd round competition will be released shortly and more tokens will be available to be won!

We would like to remind our community that the proof-of-work testnet is still a “wild-west” with all sorts of craziness — being of course very different from how CKB and other mainnets like Bitcoin operate. These unexpected dynamics that sometimes can not be predicted theoretically, is exactly what the testnet is for.

Buckle up and hang onto your hats for the next round!

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