Where to find Nervos During Berlin Blockchain Week

Nervos Network
Nervos Network
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2019



Aug 19 Web3 Summit

Subject: Ethereum on CKB with Xuejie Xiao

Description: We will discuss Ethereum on CKB, which is a new implementation on top of the Nervos Common Knowledge Base (CKB) with the following unique features:

  • Maximum compatibility with existing EVM and Web3 standards, ensuring usability and scaleability of Ethereum dev’s contracts
  • An EVM implementation that can continue to evolve without needing hardforks. Almost any EIP can be integrated in your environment without any problems.
  • A modern blockchain that can enjoy all the latest advancements in consensus, instead of an aging implementation that is slowly becoming a legacy.

We believe this new Ethereum on CKB implementation can continue to serve all existing EVM developers.

Aug 19 Rust in Blockchain meetup (TBD)

Subject: Rust for Decentralised Technology with Xuejie Xiao

Description: Meet the people behind the frameworks, plus Q&A.

Joined by Fluence, and Parity — the event starts at 7pm in the Parity offices, with plenty of food, drinks and conversation. Huge thanks to the Rust Berlin Meetup and Parity office space for supporting our meetup!

Aug 20 Build Ethereum on CKB

Subject: Nervos Dev Workshop with Xuejie Xiao and Tannr

Description: This is a hands-on workshop with a focus on smart contract development.

You will need to have basic knowledge of blockchains and one of the following programming languages: C, JS, Solidity

During the workshop, you will also learn how to implement a new signature algorithm with C; JS implementation of the UDT. After the workshop, participants will be able to build dApps that are impossible to build on the majority of existing blockchains.

Join the telegram for discussions in advance t.me/nervos_ckb_dev

Aug 21–22 DappCon

Subject: An Essential and Practical Guide to the Chinese Crypto Community with Toya B

Description: Join Toya Bu for insight into the Chinese blockchain and crypto community. We are proud to be an official sponsor of DappCon this year!

Aug 21 Smart Contracts on CKB

Subject: Nervos Dev Workshop with Xuejie Xiao and Tannr

Description: This is a hands-on workshop with a focus on smart contract development.

You will need to have basic knowledge of blockchains and one of the following programming languages: C, JS, Solidity

During the workshop, you will also learn how to implement a new signature algorithm with C; JS implementation of the UDT. After the workshop, participants will be able to build dApps that are impossible to build on the majority of existing blockchains.

Join the telegram for discussions in advance t.me/nervos_ckb_dev

Aug 21 Rust in Blockchain Meetup

Subject: In Rust We Trust — Rust VM on Blockchain with Xuejie Xiao

Description: Joined by Solana and Parity. Special thanks to Binary District. Because blockchains are responsible for securing large volumes of capital, they must be reliable, fast, and free from bugs. Rust is a flexible programming language like C++ with the ability to protect against memory safety issues and other common bugs.

Xuejie and his team at Nervos have begun a unique and controversial journey: they built CKB VM on top of RISC-V — an open-source instruction set architecture — and created a powerful blockchain VM that unlocks new potential in the blockchain space. Learn how the team built a flexible and performant VM with Rust, and how the CKB VM enables new possibilities in programming blockchains.

Aug 22 Token Economics Meetup

Subject: Token Economics: Sustainable Business Models with Toya B

Description: Joined by Fluence and Near Protocol. An overview of Nervos CKB—A Layer 1 Blockchain. A focus on the results of research into Token Economics and a review of the models and cases that have the potential to succeed in the environment of the future economies.

Aug 23 Decentralised Storage Summit

Description: Xuejie Xiao will be participating in the Lightning Talks

note: DappCon attendees are able to attend the Decentralised Storage Summit for free!

Quick reference cheatsheet of Nervos events — see you in Berlin!

