
Hello World

Grant Leadbetter
2 min readFeb 4, 2019


I have start on my path towards running my own company. I have decided to start a company called Nespite, I have some specific ways that I want to grow and build this company.

I want to build a company that does good, by having a cause that it gives back to. I want to grow this company by bootstrapping it. I have some ideas around how i’m going to do this. The idea behind this publication is to document my success and failure as I progress.

The end goal is to have a SaaS product that’s profitable, supports me and has the potential to grow into a larger company that has the resource to support multiple staff.

The plan is to work as a JS contractor and consultant to be able to survive, I’ll be taking contracts in my local area of Edinburgh and remotely. I’m hoping that I can save money while doing this so that I can fund periods of just working on SaaS products.

I will then do a 37signals and grow my SaaS company so that it’s profits are larger than my expenses, once this happens I can then consider stopping contracting all together.

Although I have planned out in my head how i’m going to do this, i’m flexible enough to know that these plans could change at any moment and I will change with them.

I mean lets say I get offered a really nice part time remote position with a good salary, I’m going to find it hard to turn that down, I could then work for a remote company for half my time and continue to work on my own things for the other half.

I’m going to write about everything that happens within this company, all of the products that i’ll be building here. I can currently say that I’m working on three things at the moment, but i’ll write about them in another blog post 😄

I’ll be writing about things like the culture, vision, pricing, marketing and development as I do them, you can see what works for me and what doesn’t.

Follow along on my journey and feel free to drop me a tweet at Grantlyk

