Let’s get started! 😎

Joao Gonçalves
Nest Collective Writing Wall
4 min readJul 23, 2020

Hi people of earth,

We are the new Nest Summer Interns Covid-19 Limited Edition™️ 😷.

The team 🦁🐼🐶🦉

2 Designers…

Starting with me, I’m Joao Gonçalves, a master’s degree student in Design & Multimedia at University of Coimbra and I’m from Bairrada 🐷. I love sports, especially Basketball, and I coach my hometown team Sangalhos DC. 🏀 At the end of the day you can always find me at a pub near you having a (small 😏) beer 🍻.

Carolina Martinho comes from the highest city in Portugal, Guarda ❄️and she is a master’s degree student in Design & Multimedia at University of Coimbra. She loves Italian food 🍝, swimming and making good plans with her friends. She has a phobia of cats but considers them beautiful animals 🐱😒. She’s a perfectionist and hopes to improve her skills with the help of her fantastic teammates.

…and 2 Developers

Daniel Gonçalves is a 3rd-year Information Systems and Computer Engineering 🖥️ student at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon. He loves listening to music, playing video games and sports, mainly football ⚽, tennis 🎾 and biking 🚴‍♂️. He is also in love with travel and exploring new cultures and new food ✈️🌍.

Hugo Gomes enrolled this year in Informatics Engineering at Coimbra Institute of Engineering 👨‍💻. A fun fact about him: he doesn’t have the sense of smell. For his hobbies, he likes listening to music, binge watching movies and series, and draw occasionally. He also likes interesting challenges and he sees this internship as one 😎.

Training week

In our first day we explored the Nest downtown building and were introduced to Nest history and its companies. We met a lot of people (they paid us lunch 😎), including who will guide us in this internship, Bernardo, “o Patrão”, that welcomed us the best way possible and gave us a little bit of information about the project — we were eager to know more about it.

With this pandemic 😷, we had to keep a safe social distance, but despite that, we ended up enjoying one another!

We then started to have some training sessions:

During these training sessions, we were introduced to many new things and we got to solidify our knowledge in others. Some were harder for the designers, like Ruby on Rails, Databases and ORM, and others for the developers, such as Design Systems, Prototyping and UI/UX. Also, both the Introduction to Processes and Introduction to the Design Sprint training sessions prepared us for the upcoming weeks. These training sessions made us feel ready to start the project 👌.

Our project

Initially, we were introduced to our summer project that was focused in Coimbra’s downtown. Our main challenge is: What can we build that will support Coimbra’s downtown and make it once again a center piece of its citizens daily life?

To learn what specific problems the downtown has, we inquired, through online questionnaires, multiple business owners and found out that they believe the support of local authorities is not enough, that there is a lack of innovation and that is missing a platform where everyone can know what the downtown has to offer.

We want to tackle these problems during the upcoming couple of months by giving back a new life to this big and historical community! 👐

