Nest Collective Summer Internship’17 Blogpost

João Gonçalves
Nest Collective Writing Wall
3 min readApr 6, 2017

Hi there! For the second year in a row, we’re very happy to announce the 2017 edition of Nest Collective’s Summer Internship!

A year ago, our beloved interns developed a product that we’re very proud of, Aurora. And since most of them have stayed to work with Nest Collective based companies, it’s now time to look for another batch of fresh interns.

If you haven’t heard about our program, Nest Collective’s Summer Internship consists in one of the best introductions to the world of product development one can have during the summer in Coimbra. And yes, sand & waves are just about 30Km away, so you still can have some awesome time off . 😄

Our program includes the mentorship of some of the best Coimbra based companies that will help interns create amazing products. The internship will happen, of course, at the Nest Collective which is proudly the best office to work on Coimbra. And the best of all, is that with this internship:

  • you’ll be challenged to create products that YOU can identify yourself with. Being part of the creative process, enables everyone to leave their fingerprints on the final output;
  • you’ll be pushed to use technologies & tools that are actually used by the best companies in the industry and not things that are basically on their way to be forgotten in the world of product development;
  • you’ll have an income for your time here. It’ll help you cover all your food & travel expenses.

OK, now that you already know what the Nest Collective is, it’s time for us to explain you what you’ll be really doing with us.

This Is How It Works

The First Day, actually known as Day Zero — you’ll be invited for a meet & greet for everyone working on Nest, a detailed office tour and we’ll help setting you up on what will be your workspace from that day on.

After that, we’ll move quickly into action with a week-long Design Sprint. The still-top-secret-idea to iterate on will be given to you by the Nest team, and from there, you’ll be free to do whatever you want with it, as a team.

Depending on the time of month, all interns will go through a training stage lectured by Nesters, either before or after the Design Sprint. After this you’ll be left with a ~ 1.5 months of development. Each Friday there’s a showcase to present to the whole Nest the latest features, new design and any kind of advancements from last week’s showcase, when applicable.

In the end of the development step, there will be a final presentation of the product along with with a party we’ll gladly host to celebrate the launch of the product you’ve built.

So that’s it. Interested in applying to this Summer Internship? If you are, please read the instructions and apply through the Typeform.

P.S. — By the way, if you already talked with us on .works, you don’t need to apply again.

So here it is, the link that’s just the beginning of a unforgettable summer.

Apply here and good luck.

If you still have any questions left, please feel free to email us at internships (at)



João Gonçalves
Nest Collective Writing Wall

Everything I know, I owe it to Internet and books. Follow me at @jpmgoncalves.