Nest Training: Effective Web Design.

Renato Vaz
Nest Collective Writing Wall
2 min readAug 23, 2016

At Nest we love to share knowledge, that is deeply rooted in our culture as a collective of companies.

One our collective’s goals is to offer education and training around making products, by sharing the best skills each studio has to offer, which is why Nest is now promoting its third Training Session, Effective Web Design, lectured by me, Renato Vaz.

Looking at my academic background, one could assume I’d be just a (web) designer. But life and work pushed me to learn other skills, specifically things that made be learn a lot more about coding and building apps, not only designing them.

So, 8 years have passed since I landed my first freelance project and now I’m a front-end developer and web designer at RedLight Software, a company that I’ve been working for in the past 4 years.

Having worked as a front-end developer and as a web designer at the same time allowed me to look at design and web development in an hybrid way, merging disciplines that sometimes don’t get along. And that’s why I want to share a bit of my own experience with you, by lecturing this training.

So, what can you expect from this? You can expect the following:

  • Learn to deal with design and coding — translate a finalized graphical design into a functional web page;
  • Improve your web dev skills — HTML/SASS, atomicity, structure, hierarchy, responsiveness;
  • Be aware of UX, typography, performance and much much more.

So, why should I end up paying for this training when things like this are widely available on the interwebz?

To learn faster with someone who already knows. So you can learn to translate your design into real code to look exactly as you want and communicate your vision perfectly. By learning all the ins and outs, as a designer you will be able to create realistic designs and to effectively communicate with coders all your ideas, while as a coder you will learn to have a keen eye for details and to understand what vision a designer had for the design.

All info available here.

Already convinced? Enrollment here!

