Summer Internship by Nest Collective, Part. 2.

João Gonçalves
Nest Collective Writing Wall
3 min readJul 22, 2016

Hey there!

As you know, here at Nest we’re promoting our Summer Internship. And if you haven’t read our first post, now’s a great time to do so.

Today I’m going to disclose a bit about what our crazy interns are creating here at Nest. But first, let me give you some context.

A couple months ago there was a small event where all RedLight Software employees were asked to bring a new idea to the table. On this fun gathering, there was a total of 8 concepts being pitched.

After these concepts were presented to the audience, the next step was to chose one that could be developed and validated quickly, in order to fit the one and a half months scheduled for the Summer Internship.

The most voted idea (originally mine, yeah! 😎) is related to music, specifically to provide more money to independent artists that usually have their revenue streams minimized to gigs and merchandise. From that starting point, we developed a master plan (🎩), moved to Design Sprint and got the final MVP which all interns will be working on until the end of the first week of September.

Project Pomegranate is an Android app to make check-ins in concerts to help you build an overview of the gigs you’ve collected in the past.

We won’t dismiss the idea that this is highly close to Foursquare’s Swarm or After all, Project Pomegranate sits midway between both. It has a real-time characteristic of the check-in just like Swarm and a precious musical profile just like’s app.

To conclude and with these two platforms in mind, we started to developed what we’re temporarily calling Project Pomegranate, an app to check-in in concerts and therefore create you gig history. In other words, we’re creating a shareable passport of the concerts you’ve been to.

For now, this is all we got for you. It’s just an introductory context to provide you with a starting point.

Next week, interns themselves will guide you through the features expected to be implemented in what’s the current MVP version. But if you have any question that cannot wait more than a whole week, leave it here as comment.

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João Gonçalves
Nest Collective Writing Wall

Everything I know, I owe it to Internet and books. Follow me at @jpmgoncalves.