NEST oracle V2 system benefit distribution rules description

NEST Protocol
NEST Community
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2020

NEST oracle system ETH revenue sources:

Source 1: NEST miners’ fees paid during the NEST oracle quotation process: 1% of the ETH quotation size, and all of this revenue goes to the NEST system revenue pool.

Source 2: When DeFi calls NEST oracle price data, it is necessary to pay ETH fee to the NEST oracle system, and 80% of this part of income will enter the NEST system revenue pool. (Note: another 20% will be awarded to the quoted miner)

NEST holder income distribution rules:

The NEST system revenue contract will calculate the corresponding amount of ETH revenue according to the proportion of NEST tokens held by each NEST holder. The higher the proportion of NEST held, the more the ETH revenue is distributed, and it will be distributed once a week.

NEST system income savings mechanism:

The NEST system will withdraw 10% of the ETH assets from each week’s system income and deposit it in the NEST system savings contract, and the remaining 90% ETH will be distributed to the NEST holders’ income. The ETH in the savings contract will be saved. If the ETH gains are insufficient in a certain week, the ETH assets will be automatically withdrawn from the earnings storage contract for adjustment. The NEST income saving mechanism makes the NEST holders’ income in the process of holding the NEST Token relatively stable, thereby promoting the stable and sustainable development of the NEST ecosystem.

Revenue acquisition method: NEST holders actively receive ETH revenue

Income distribution cycle: once a week

NEST holder operation instructions:

From Monday 0:00 to Friday 12:00, the NEST holder deposits the NEST held in the wallet into the NEST lock-up verification contract;

The NEST system will take a snapshot of the effective amount of NEST deposited in each wallet at 12:00 every Friday, and calculate the proportion of the revenue distribution of each wallet address.

ETH income collection time: Every Friday 12:00 ~ Sunday 24:00, NEST holders have 2.5 days to collect their own system ETH income. If the user does not receive it within the specified time, the current ETH revenue will be counted in the system’s total revenue pool for the next week and will be used for the next week’s revenue distribution;

NEST Token cannot be deposited during the receipt of income, but NEST Token can be withdrawn.

If you want to retrieve the NEST deposited in the lock verification contract, please perform the NEST “take out” operation after receiving the income. Otherwise, it will affect the individual’s actual income distribution.

The calculation formula of NEST holder’s ETH income (M):

M = (Number of NEST deposited / Total NEST circulation) * Total system revenue ETH amount this week

Author signature: NestFans

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