Paragraph versus Bulleted Writing Style

Paragraph Style:

Andrew Walpole
{{Nested Loops}}
1 min readJan 10, 2013


My writing voice can get very long-winded, and after writing a post it takes me many iterations of editing to pair my thoughts down into concise nuggets of information. Recently I have found it very useful to take something I have written and translate it into a bulleted list. I find that I get to the point quicker and I think the reading experience can be enhanced, especially when describing things or expressing multiple thoughts about a given subject. This style may take some of the tone out of my writing voice, but I’m going to try to balance this tactic with my traditional paragraph style to produce more readable and effective posts.

Bulleted Style:

My current writing style can be…

  • Long-winded and wordy
  • Requires a lot of editing time

This new bulleted writing style…

  • Lets me get to the point quicker
  • Can enhance the reader’s experience
  • Good for describing things or relating multiple thoughts to a subject
  • Lacks natural tone and personality from traditional paragraph style
  • Balance is key

So which do you prefer?



Andrew Walpole
{{Nested Loops}}

Developer, Designer, Teacher, Learner, Innovation Dabbler