5 ideas of the Week : Portals

My small contribution towards the innovation.

Akash Panchal
2 min readSep 3, 2017


1. A Job hunt Portal only for full stack developers.

Yeah, What if You learn the full stack web/app development and have to search all that matter in the different job portals for your needs. Such a portal where You can look jobs for your full stack would be a great help.

2. A Portal for jobs you want to refer to your friends.

This may not be idea for entire new portal but existing guys can add this feature, Let your friend suggest you a job he has seen somewhere and thought it might interest you.

3. A Web Portal for government to put problems they face.

Any developing countries can take advantage of such a portal where they can put the nearly impossible problems they face and ask the people to suggest ideas and/or solutions.

Freelancing: My client is a government.

4. A Portal for students where they can find partners for the Side Project.

Students can find other smart minds with whom they can work together on the side projects. This portal can also help them to get the freelance work.

5. A Portal to sell your old board games.

This would be my favorite. No kidding.

We guys want to sell our one of the board games and try a new one.

An Idea that worked on…

Start a Python Boilerplate project in 15 seconds!

I just don’t give away ideas, I also work on them.

I’ve been building boilerplate generator for python. Play with it at htttp://pythonizr.com.

