☀️ Setting up Solar Share: The IoT 🤖

Dean Masley
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2018

NestEgg is currently working on deploying ☀️ SolarShare, an initiative for communities to crowdfund and share the energy generated from solar panels. We’ve been preparing our software to host crowdfunds, manage shares of ownership, and distribute energy to the original crowd funders each month by reducing their energy bill.

Recent Milestone: IoT

Philip from Spectral performing the custom installation

To test our software before deploying with real customers, a colleague offered his existing panels for us to plug into and run simulations. Thus, last monday we headed down to Limburg, Netherlands to upgrade his smart-meters.

We’ve teamed up with Spectral, who’ve built special tamperproof IoT devices that accurately track the kWh being generated from a solar panel, how much is consumed by the house, and how much is fed into the grid. This device differs from traditional smart meters in that it uses more accurate tracking and can directly create tokens with clear source of origin per kWh generated.

This last feature is particularly important for NestEgg to be able to scale energy projects quickly, as most of the automation can then be handled by smart-contracts on the blockchain which run independently of NestEgg. As energy is generated from each solar panel, these IoT devices will track and distribute the energy to the owners based on their percentage of ownership. The owners and responsible parties have the ability to track all these streams of energy, tell where it came from, when it was generated, and who deserves to have their bill reduced.

What’s Next?

We’re preparing for our first full pilot: with a crowdfund, shared ownership in a cooperation, and regular dividend distributions.

With the IoT device installed, we’re building the corresponding dashboard views so that individuals can track the historical and real-time production of panels they invest in. This ensures that shared owners have tangible information about their device even though it may not be on their roof.

Following the technical improvements, we’re narrowing in on a few locations to launch the first pilot in. Our first pilot will be taking advantage of dutch energy subsidies, particularly Postcoderoos (PCR), which incentivizes locals to invest in nearby solar installations by offering energy tax exemptions.

More information regarding these initial deployments is coming soon.

Excited? Get Involved!

You can join NestEgg and the wider energy transition movement, no roof needed! 🏡

We’re accepting pre-signups for the SolarShare program, in which we’ll be notifying customers when our first solar panels are available.

Clicking this button will take you to http://nestegg.eu/solar

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