NestEgg’s Renewed Roadmap

Nathalie Drost
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2017

Three months ago, we entered the Dutch Blockchain Hackathon with an idea, not knowing where it would lead us. After the hackathon and writing our first article “Reinventing Pensions Using Blockchain” a rollercoaster started with amazing opportunities. The NestEgg crew has ever since been working on the idea, refining and rethinking it and started the first phase of developing. We wrote it all down in this article in front of you. Enjoy reading!

After many versions of Business-Model-Canvases, editing Value Propositions & exploring the best platform to work with (with guidance of APG), NestEgg knows where it is going.

We see the world changing. Pensions are about security in a distant future.

But what does that future look like? Let’s look at some trends.

We see new technologies coming up, like IoT, AI & Blockchain Technology. Also, we see a movement towards the sharing economy, decentralized decision making and a focus on sustainability. These new movements have to be financed. For example, whereas first everyone had a car, in the future we only use (autonomous) cars when we need them. No longer do people own cars, they rent them as a service when needed. This requires a new way of organizing ownership: because the cars still need to be of someone: or everyone.

So who is going to finance these new trends?

Well banks are not only wary of making long-term loans, they are also reluctant to take as much risk as before (The Economist, 2014). On the other hand, 1.7 trillion (!) is invested through dutch pension & insurance funds, available for long-term investing.

This brings me to: NestEgg’s Approach

NestEgg is focusing on Generation Y & Z, the generations growing up with (expectations of) this new future. More than that, we believe that if you change the beliefs of pensions at that age groups (pointing at current bad beliefs around pensions), you change their belief for the rest of their lives. We lightly surveyed a variety of assumptions of how these generations look to the world and what they care about when it comes to their (financial) future.

To explain the outcomes of the survey, let’s introduce ‘Bob’:

  • Bob is a person born between 1980 and now;
  • willing to put money aside for his pension;
  • wanting to know what it is invested in;
  • and he values making a positive impact over getting a high return on his investments.

After knowing the current trends and our customer, how to combine these two to best provide a product the customer wants, while helping reach the future we expect?

The Value Proposition
NestEgg gives the customer the influence to make impact through choice in a variety of assets (traditional and new): whether that is stocks, bonds, gold, infrastructure, etc.

This is made possible through tokenization, issued on a public blockchain, which allows for (partial) ownership in any asset. This allows ownership to be transferred cheaply, secured digitally, and unlocks current locked value.

Obviously, this is an ambitious goal. Therefore, NestEgg designed a Roadmap to succes: “The Pension Pyramid”.

We start off by building a solid tokenization layer to represent customer ownership of stocks and units of mutual funds. Our goal is to provide a competitive product to what’s currently offered on the market by replacing annual subscription costs with single transfer costs when assets are moved around. By bringing down costs of a traditional product while introducing a new foundation, we open the gates for the rest of the features to be built on top.

So, stay in touch while we are changing the future of your pension! ;)

