Getting started

Stephanie Ciancio
Nesting So Hard
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2016

Sitting in the kitchen, working. Working for myself.

For the last five years I’ve been pretending to hate working from home. I think I mainly hated working from home when I was pretending to work. Pretending to work is quite frustrating in terms of productivity.

Now I’m looking at what happens when I work on what I want to work on, what happens when I accept external undertakings with the cautiousness formerly reserved for scrutinizing food and material composition labels; when I embrace the fear and risk of accepting internal undertakings; when I put all of myself into what I love - out into the world to see what value translates.

What do I love? I love organizing, beautifying, researching, inventing, internet shopping, grocery shopping, boutique shopping, gift planning, gift giving, cooking, hosting, daydreaming, vacuuming and networking. Oh, and talking to cats. And I’m done judging that. And I’m ready to apply my MBA to this, build a tribe and bring it to the marketplace, somehow.

Here’s where I’m coming from, experience-wise.

Mind-map courtesy of and the generous listening, love and support of Bernat Fortet Unanue

This is the garden view of my being all over the place for the last 11 years. A recipient of incredible privilege, I often didn’t want to ask for compensation for my work because there was so much I-don’t-deserve it in my story.














And now, presenting the cosmic soup of #Nesting So Hard.

We help you love your time at home.

And we also help create offices that feel like home.

But please, do go home.

It has been waiting for you.

Here’s where I’m starting from — my pot of pasta from whence I’ll throw spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks. From whence I’ll build my tribe.


Not sure?

No worries.

Let’s go.

And maybe stay right here.

