Community Features of Nestree

How Community Features of Nestree Innovate Social Platform

4 min readJul 18, 2019


In conventional social and messaging platforms, as a channel grows and becomes active, the volume of messages posted in the channel will increase dramatically. Flooded message-feeds reduce a channel’s ability to transmit information effectively.

Nestree solves the core problem of social messaging platforms, which is the lack of right to receive and send out selective information. Nestree flawlessly implements such features to enable a large number of people to exchange information and communicate without being exposed to information overkill. The features include the following:

  1. Push Notification Filtering
  2. Admin Exclusive Chat
  3. Multi Notice Board
Figure 1, 2, 3 — Push Notification Filtering, Admin Exclusive Chat, Multi-Notice Board

#1 Push Notification Filtering

Nestree includes a feature that allows channel participants to selectively see only the messages they need. In interactive communities with thousands or tens of thousands of participants, it is common for users to disable push notifications. This causes participants to frequently miss out on important information or content.

When browsing an interactive community, the most important messages everybody needs to see are announcements from the channel operator and messages from their friends. The next most important kind of messages is the content posted by regularly contributing members of the community. With this in mind, Nestree provides the following options for each channel that enable users to receive push notifications efficiently.

✔ Notifications of admin messages
✔ Notifications of friends’ messages
✔ Receive messages from a specific user
✔ Do not accept messages from specific users

#2 Admin Exclusive Chat

Admins often find it difficult to make important announcements in channels with a large number of participants. There is simply too much conversation going on to get everyone’s attention at the same time, and announcements tend to get lost in overflowing chat windows. This is especially true when conflicts arise online, as important information is lost in a long line of messages. To address this problem, we’ve implemented a special mode called ‘Admin Exclusive Chat’ in which operators can enable to cease chat messages from all members except admins for a specified period of time.

This allows admins to deliver information effectively, and can also be used to calm down a heated community quickly and easily. In addition to this, to encourage community participants to ask questions and make suggestions, they may message admins directly in private conversations. While only group conversations are allowed in channels, one-on-one Chat with channel operators is always possible. This allows channel participants to interact with the moderator to resolve questions and be more active in the community.

#3 Multi-Notice Board

Operators also need a way to post permanent or long-term announcements for all community members to read. Important information needs to be shared in nearly every community, but it is also important to keep track of past announcements. Existing messaging services are usually only able to register one message at a time as a permanent notice, often forcing operators to string a series of announcements into one long block. This makes it hard for community members to understand what contents have been added or changed.

Nestree allows an operator to register and manage multiple announcements within a channel. Especially in a channel with a large number of people, this can significantly enhance information transfer. Participants can instantly see what was added when a new bulletin is registered. In the future, the multi-notification system will expand to not only display announcements in the operator’s “bulletin board” space but also in a space where static content can be displayed to the participants directly.

About Nestree

Nestree is a ground-breaking community platform with a dynamic rewarding system and business incubation. The Nestree Messenger is an advanced, reward-based blockchain integrated messenger. Catered toward the community growth and beyond as a messenger, the Nestree messenger adopts the trustless and borderless nature of cryptocurrency to enrich the ecosystem with the reward. Nestree provides one of the most optimal gateways for non-crypto users to encounter and earn cryptocurrency without the knowledge of trading, KYC requirement, private key management, etc.

Our mission is to serve as a worldwide community platform based on the philosophy of reward and sharing of blockchain. We strive to create a specialized platform for an interactive ecosystem where business and community co-exist and benefits each other regardless of location or demographics.

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