Breathtaking Sites in Africa — 3

Exciting Tourist Destinations in Cross River, Nigeria

Kanyinsola Oduekun
7 min readOct 23, 2017


Mini waterfall at the grotto in Becheve Nature Reserve, Obudu Mountain Resorts, Cross River. By, Dotun55 — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Cross River state is located in the South-South region of Nigeria, named after the Cross River, which passes through the state. The state has a rich and unique cultural heritage. There are very beautiful places in Calabar, this is also the state Mary Slessor stayed as a missionary worker. Check out these wonderful tourist destinations;

The National Museum, Calabar

The Old Residency Museum, which was originally known as the Government House is a prefabricated structure of Scandinavian red pine wood shipped from Britain in 1884 on the instruction of Consul Edward Hewett and erected in Old Calabar to accommodate the early British Administration. Because this is a history museum, it has some of the best and most preserved historical collections in the country.

Colonial Bell

The Museum exhibition tells the story of old Calabar as a cluster of native settlements on the Calabar River, early cultural, economic and missionary centre and first headquarters of British colonial administration of the Niger Coast Protectorate, Oil River Protectorate and later Southern Nigeria protectorate.

Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary

Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary

Formerly part of the Afi River Forest Reserve, the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 2000 to provide improved protection to important populations of several endangered species including the critically endangered Cross River gorilla, the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee, the drill and the grey-necked Picathartes or rockfowl.

Grey-necked Picathartes

Afi is covered by roughly 100km² of lowland and sub-montane forest with rocky peaks rising to altitudes of 1,300m. Open areas created by fire are quickly colonised by herb species which form an important staple food for gorillas. On the western flank of the mountain is a large grassland roost of migratory European barn swallows, estimated to contain up to 20 million birds at times and reputed to be the largest wintering roost site of swallows in Africa.

Cross River National Park

The Drill

The Cross River national park is one of the oldest saved rain forests in Africa and the largest rain forest in Nigeria with the concentration of various vegetable life that, in turn, attracts many bird species and butterflies (there are 20% of a total number of types of butterflies known in the world).

Canopy Walk

In 1979, in the report of UNESCO, the park was described as the most amazing place in the world. Its unique natural features include mangrove swamps, mountain landscapes, and of course, the woods, which are crossed by the rivers and streams. The park is the house for many localized types of plants and animals. Baboons, leopards, red foxes, monkeys, elephants, and buffalos live here. In Nigeria, there are 23 types of primacies. 18 of them can be met on the territory of the park.

Kwa Waterfalls

By Shiraz Chakera — Kwa Falls and the Cross River State rainforest, CC BY-SA 2.0,

The Great Kwa River (also called Kwa Ibo River or Kwa River) flows through Cross River State, Nigeria, draining the east side of the city of Calabar. The river originates in the Oban hills, in the Cross River National Park, and flows southwards to the Cross River estuary. Its lowe reaches are tidal, with broad mud flats. and drain the eastern coast of the city of Calabar. All year round, tourists and visitors go to the the Kwa Falls to see its amazing sight.

Mary Slessor’s House

Young Mary Slessor

Mary Mitchel Slessor arrived in Lagos in 1876, as a missionary worker of the United Presbyterian Church. She lived in Akpap Okoyong, Odukpani Local Government Area and stopped the killing of twins and their mothers in Calabar. She built herself a two bedroom mud house with a veranda, a store and a pa-lour. She called it a ‘caravan’ while the villagers called it ‘fine pass all’. In 1889, a missionary carpenter, Mr. owens was commissioned to erect a more permanent structure for her.

Mary Slessor’s house in Calabar

The walls were made of iron sheets while the door and windows were made of wood. The staircase leading to the first floor had twenty one steps and was supported by two pillars and wooden railings. Since Mary’s Slessor death, the Odukpani Local Government Council had used the house as a rest home for other Missionaries and as a primary health care center. Today, the property is a fully restored and an important tourist site.

Obudu Mountain Resort

Mountain Waterfall

Obudu Mountain Resort is indeed one of Nigeria’s finest tourist destinations where you are sure to have a whole lot of fun and exciting activities you can engage in. The Obudu Cattle Ranch, as it was previously known as was initiated as far back as 1951 by a Scots rancher Mr. M. Macaulay, who had explored the Obudu mountain range years earlier, and developed by him and two of his friends.

Mountain Levels

At an altitude of 1575m above sea level, the Obudu plateau gives the area a pleasantly temperate climate which ranges from cool to cold at night — averaging 4–10°C June-September. Get up to the resort by driving up the winding road or using the cable car!

Agbokim Waterfalls

Located some 17 kilometers from Ikom, it is about 315km from Calabar, in Cross River State, Nigeria. Agbokim Waterfalls is not far from the Nigeria-Cameroon border. With just one visit, the sight of the Agbokim Waterfalls will leave a permanent impression on your mind. This spectacular sheet of water comprises seven streams cascading over steep cliffs to give the Agbokim Waterfalls its seven bold faces. Surrounding the waterfalls are lush greenery, valleys and steep hills which are enveloped in a rainbow-like aura. The captivating freshness and the alluring serenity make the Agbokim Waterfalls an ideal location for vacation, picnics and for getting back to nature to regain your creative productivity and general well being.

Whenever you are set to explore the wonders of Calabar or its environs, can help you find and book the best accommodation to stay or even the best travel deals.


