Trending for Summer ’24: AI in Telcos as an Ally for Impact

Net AI
Net AI Insights
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2024

Using AI for a Sustainable Telecom Future

Did you know that the telecom sector is responsible for around 2% of global carbon emissions? A whopping 80% of this comes from radio access networks (RANs), which also account for 20–40% of network operating expenses. But here’s the good news: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is stepping in as the superhuman tech required for sustainability and operational efficiency in telecoms.

In an age where spiralling energy prices, climate change and the demand for unlimited, seamless connection have us in a permacrisis, we believe AI is our greatest ally. Imagine if we could forecast user traffic demands with pinpoint accuracy and dynamically manage RAN resources that are proven to slash energy consumption, all without compromising service quality. Well, we can. At Net AI we have built a solution that leverages AI to achieve just that, and it’s poised to make a big splash in the emerging Open RAN mobile networking paradigm. Picture this: an urban deployment with over 200 cells, all optimised for maximum efficiency. Exciting, right?

From: AI for Good Summit

Taking on Climate Change: The AI Way

Collectively we are on a mission to hit net zero emissions by 2050, making the reduction of mobile network infrastructure’s environmental impact critical. This is especially pressing for 5G networks, where base stations consume significantly more energy than their 4G predecessors. With ICT infrastructure already contributing over 2% of global carbon emissions, and data traffic continually on the rise, the stakes are high.

Our AI driven tech solutions — ForesAIght and Microscope — equip operators with real-time insights into traffic streams, enabling optimal network load management and energy reduction. But we don’t stop there. EnergAIze takes these insights and translates them into actionable controls, adjusting radio and compute resources on the fly. This not only slashes energy consumption but also keeps operational costs in check, ensuring sustainable growth despite soaring data demands. Keeping ahead of these seismic challenges is vital for any telco that wants to remain relevant.

Driving Social Inclusion with Network Intelligence

Post-COVID, connectivity and social inclusion have become top priorities for governments. Beyond video conferencing, digital technologies are revolutionising education, e-health, and the workforce. Network intelligence is key to expanding digital communities and bridging the digital divide, making it profitable for operators to serve rural areas.

A staggering 40% of the world’s population still lacks Internet access. Historically, affluent communities have been the first to benefit from advanced networks, but 5G changes this narrative. With programmable architectures and software-based network functions, 5G drastically reduces costs, making it feasible to deploy in underserved areas. Microservices tailored to specific needs, such as rural farming or microfinance, can further connect and empower communities. At Net AI, we’re pioneering tools that harness AI to provide these crucial insights, helping operators allocate resources efficiently and maintain service levels. It’s our magic combination that consists of superhuman-tech, wisdom and a partner you can depend on to deliver that sets us apart.

From: AI for Good Summit

Fueling Economic Growth with AI

Net AI’s technology doesn’t just cut operators’ total cost of ownership. It also holds immense potential for sectors reliant on 5G, from commerce — enabling customised services in private networks, projected to grow at a CAGR of 40.9% between 2020–2028 — to culture, where low-latency mobile services can enhance virtual and augmented reality experiences in museums and heritage sites. Our Network Intelligence Services ensure cheaper energy bills, better service quality and it’s better for our planet.

So, as we look ahead to Summer ’24, it’s clear that AI is not just a trend but a powerful ally in transforming the telecom industry for a more sustainable, inclusive, and efficient future. Let’s use this potential together and make a real impact. 🤝



Net AI
Net AI Insights

Network intelligence company developing a deep traffic analytics platform to reduce CAPEX/OPEX for mobile operators and generate high-margin revenue streams