Real-Time Data Processing in .NET Using SignalR

Building Scalable Real-Time Web Applications with SignalR and WebSockets in .NET

F. I.
.NET Insights: C# and ASP.NET Core
5 min readSep 6, 2024


Real-time applications are no becoming more and more critical in modern digital landscape. Whether you’re building a live chat, multiplayer game or a financial dashboard, users demand real-time data updates without delays or painful page reloads. For .NET developers, SignalR offers an easy and scalable way to build real-time applications, leveraging WebSockets for high-performance data transmission. In this blog, we’ll dive deep into using SignalR and WebSockets in .NET, with a step-by-step example of building a live sports scoreboard.

1. Introduction

Real-time applications allow users to interact with continuously updating data, but handling such scenarios at scale is complex. Traditional request-response models don’t work efficiently. There comes SignalR, a library that abstracts transport mechanisms like WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, and Long Polling.

Use Case Example: We’ll build a live sports scoreboard application that updates users in real time as scores change. Users connected to the application will receive updates instantly without needing to refresh their pages.

2. Understanding WebSockets and Real-Time Communication

WebSockets provide a full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection, enabling real-time data transfer between the server and connected clients. Unlike traditional HTTP, which requires a new request for every data update, WebSockets keep the connection open, allowing continuous bi-directional communication.

Use Case Continuation: For our scoreboard, WebSockets will push live score updates from the server to all clients. Instead of the client constantly polling the server, WebSockets maintain an open connection, reducing overhead and providing faster updates.

3. Why Choose SignalR for Real-Time Applications?

SignalR abstracts the complexity of implementing raw WebSockets by managing connections, automatically handling reconnections, and supporting fallback mechanisms (like Long Polling) when WebSockets aren’t available. With SignalR, developers can focus on business logic rather than network protocols.

Use Case: Imagine manually implementing WebSockets for the scoreboard — it would be tedious and error-prone, especially when handling thousands of connections. SignalR simplifies this process by automatically handling multiple clients and delivering score updates efficiently.

4. How SignalR Works: Core Concepts

SignalR operates using a hub-based communication model. A hub allows the server to send messages to all connected clients, specific groups of clients, or individual clients. The core transport mechanisms include WebSockets (preferred for real-time updates), Server-Sent Events, and Long Polling.

  • Hubs: A hub is the bridge between the server and client. It listens for events from clients and pushes updates in real time.
  • Transport Mechanisms: SignalR automatically chooses the best transport available (WebSockets being the most efficient).

Use Case Example: We’ll implement a ScoreHub to handle score updates. Whenever a score changes, the server will broadcast the new score to all clients via the ScoreHub.

public class ScoreHub : Hub
public async Task SendScoreUpdate(string game, int newScore)
await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveScoreUpdate", game, newScore);

5. Building a Real-Time Application with SignalR

Now, let’s walk through building the real-time scoreboard with SignalR.

  1. Create a .NET Core Web API project.
  2. Add SignalR to the project by installing the NuGet package Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.
  3. Create the ScoreHub as described above to manage score updates.
  4. Set up the client-side code (e.g., a JavaScript application) to connect to the SignalR hub and listen for updates.
  5. Test the application by sending score updates from the server and watching them appear in real-time on the client side.
const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()

connection.on("ReceiveScoreUpdate", function(game, newScore) {
updateScoreDisplay(game, newScore); // Function to update the UI

connection.start().catch(function(err) {
return console.error(err.toString());

6. Scaling SignalR for Large Applications

As your application grows, managing thousands of concurrent connections can be a challenge. SignalR provides multiple ways to scale:

  • NCache Backplane: helps distribute messages across multiple servers in a SignalR farm, allowing users connected to different servers to receive the same messages.
  • Redis Backplane: Just like NCache, Redis also provides the backplan for messages to distribute across multiple servers.
  • Azure SignalR Service: For cloud-native applications, the Azure SignalR Service automatically manages scaling, ensuring real-time functionality without managing infrastructure.

Use Case: Our scoreboard app becomes popular during major events. To handle this surge, we’ll deploy the app using Azure SignalR Service to ensure it can handle thousands of users without compromising performance.

7. Performance Optimization

Performance is key in real-time applications, especially when dealing with high traffic. Optimizing WebSocket connections and managing memory is critical for ensuring a responsive experience.

Tips for optimization:

  • Minimize the size of messages sent through WebSockets.
  • Optimize reconnections to reduce delays.
  • Balance load across servers to avoid bottlenecks.

Use Case Example: During an intense game, score changes frequently. To avoid performance degradation, we’ll ensure that the server only sends the minimum required data in each update (e.g., only the updated score, not the entire game state).

8. Securing SignalR Connections

Real-time applications are often mission-critical, making security a top priority. SignalR supports secure WebSocket connections, ensuring data is encrypted in transit. You can also integrate authentication to control who can access specific hubs.

  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensure only authenticated users receive updates.
  • Securing WebSocket connections: Use HTTPS and secure WebSocket (WSS) protocols.

Use Case: For our scoreboard, only logged-in users should receive live updates. Implementing token-based authentication ensures that users are authorized before connecting to the SignalR hub.

9. Use Cases: SignalR in Action

While we’ve used a live sports scoreboard as our example, SignalR is versatile and widely used in various real-world applications, including:

  • Financial dashboards: Real-time stock updates and market data streaming.
  • Collaborative tools: Live editing and collaboration in apps like Google Docs.
  • Gaming: Multiplayer games where player actions are communicated in real-time.

10. Conclusion and Future of SignalR

In this blog, we’ve explored how SignalR and WebSockets enable real-time data processing in .NET applications. SignalR abstracts the complexity of managing WebSocket connections, making it easy to build scalable and responsive real-time apps. There is another blog on this topic that is going to be a good read Integrating SignalR for Real-Time Communication in ASP.NET Core Apps.

As real-time requirements grow, technologies like SignalR will continue to play a critical role in modern web development, enabling seamless user experiences across a variety of use cases. With tools like Redis backplane and Azure SignalR Service, scaling such applications is no longer a challenge, making real-time applications more accessible than ever.

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F. I.
.NET Insights: C# and ASP.NET Core

Writes about event-driven architectures, distributed systems, garbage collection and other topics related to .NET and ASP.NET.