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Web Development

net magazine
net magazine
The magazine for web designers and developers. Organiser of www.generateconf.com. Tweet to @netmag and @oliverlindberg. Also see www.creativebloq.com
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Build interactive emails with CSS

Mark Robbins shows you how to create JavaScript-like functionality in HTML email campaigns with just CSS

Optimise your code for a better onboarding experience

Raquel Velez looks at how an onboarding-focused approach to development can help get new coders started as efficiently as possible

Why we need Ladies that UX

LadiesthatUX co-founder Lizzie Dyson explains why we need groups to promote women in tech

Leave your job

Cassie McDaniel explores why leaving your job can be a blessing in disguise

Create a set of micro-animations

Donovan Hutchinson discusses how we can create a bank of small, simple animations that can be applied in multiple situations