Growth Stories — Tania Tkachuk

Mitchell Orme
Net Positive
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2021
Growth Stories — Tania Tkachuk

Job Title:
Senior Lead Engineer.

Short Bio:
A curious polyglot who grows by helping others to grow. Empowering teams and supporting the local female engineering community is my current focus. I am an ambassador of Muses Code JS in Hobart, a group for women and other gender minorities who are interested in technologies and coding.

Fun Fact:
My guilty pleasure is sharpening pencils (a lot of them).

Tania’s Personal Growth Story:
Weekly Learn & Share (Learning Breaks, Learning Breakfasts etc.) sessions I organise at work empower engineering teams to grow together and create an atmosphere where none is ashamed of saying “I don’t know” or “Why?”.

Your Next Growth Target:
Becoming a Chief Technology Officer.

Role Model:
Azadeh Khojandi. Currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, she is one of the organizers of Girl Geek Sydney (a community that aims to make IT more attractive for females and to help female engineers grow in their careers). Apart from being a great inspiration and professional mentor, she is an enviable optimist who is able to see new opportunities for her and for others even in times of unfortunate events.

What would you say to yourself 5 or 10 years ago?:
You’ll be surprised girl!

The book you plan to read or are currently reading:
The Fearless Organization by Amy C. Edmondson.

1–3 books you would recommend to anyone:

If you’d like to find out more about Upflowy, head over to our website!

Originally published at on March 8, 2021.

