What is the average NPS response rate these days?

Net Promoter Score
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2017

As already mentioned here by a few people, response rates are going to fluctuate from company to company due primarily to both the timing of the survey and the relationship the company has with the customer.

In our experience, we’ve found some of our customers can have response rates north of 60%, while others are fighting to get anything better than 10%.

The most critical point of difference is how engaged the company is with their customers.

While that initial response rate is crucial, an equally important consideration is the response rate of the open-ended question that follows the survey. This is where 90% + of the value of measuring NPS will come from.

I can’t speak on industry averages, but I can tell you that our clients (at Promoter.io) see an average of a 60–70% completion rate.

To get the best overall response rate (with both questions), there are a few things you can do:

  • Send surveys via email instead of in-app: While in-app surveys may drive a higher response rate to the first question, email surveys will drive a much higher overall response/completion rate (to both questions). Email surveys are also focused on the overall brand relationship instead of a transactional experience which is much more predictive and actionable. More on this here and here.
  • Send surveys from someone other than their direct point of contact:If you have a personal relationship with your customer, they are much less likely to be critical if the survey is coming from you. If you want their honest feedback, send the survey from someone they are unfamiliar with in the company.
  • Keep your subject line short and to the point: Letting your customers know that your survey is only 2 questions or that it will take less than 60 seconds to complete within your subject line will drastically increase both your open and response rate.
  • Align your surveys with your customer life-cycle: Obviously, it’s best to engage with your customers when they are most likely to respond. That time generally aligns with your on-boarding cycle. Here’s an example of the impact that survey timing has made for one of our clients.
  • Send a survey reminder: Sending a reminder to those that didn’t complete your survey can boost your response rate by up to 15%.

I know that this is more information than you asked for, but hopefully it’s helpful.



Net Promoter Score

The most powerful and comprehensive way to reduce churn and grow revenue with Net Promoter Score.