Pro EP 101 : What Are the Different Ways to Pass Parameters in REST APIs?

Muhammad Waseem
Become .NET Pro !
1 min readJan 1, 2024

What Are the Different Ways to Pass Parameters in REST APIs?

There are several ways to pass parameters in REST APIs:

1. Query Parameters:

- Appended to the end of the URL
- Visible in the request URL.
- Example https: // /resource ?id=123&name=john

2. Request Headers:

- Included in the HTTP headers.
- Used for information like authentication tokens.
- Example: Authorization: Bearer token123

3. Request Body:

- Used for more complex data.
- Commonly used for POST and PUT requests.
- Data is sent in the request body in JSON or XML format.

4. Path/URL Parameters:

- Used to add dynamic values in URL
- Part of the URL path.
- Example : https: // /client/123/department/456/employees

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